Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aku Bimbang

Aku bimbang ..sangat bimbang
Bagaimanakah kalau besok..aku mati mendadak?
Sembahyangku masih banyak..yang belum terqada'
Ingin membayar puasa yang tertinggal..masih belum aku bertindak
Hutangku masih berlambak-lambak.
Finance kereta-ku belum lagi lunas tertunai
Hutang bank rumah-ku masih belum selesai
Kewajipanku masih banyak yang terbengkalai

Aku bimbang..sangat bimbang..
Apakah aku akan diberi
VIP Welcome di alam barzakh
oleh Munkar dan Nankir dengan senyuman bermanis wajah
Atau ..............................
Apakah aku akan dibelasah
Oleh pembengis-pembengis di alam barzakh ?
Apakah aku dapat menahan sakit
Bila ular kubur datang menggigit
Kerana sembahyangku yang amat sedikit.

Aku bimbang..sangat bimbang..
Isyak masuk..ayah ke surau menyembah Allah
Aku depan tv menonton
Ayah bertasbih, bertahmid..berzikir memuji Tuhan
Aku terjerit2..
Ayah menggunakan masa mencari redhaan Tuhan
Tapi aku masih berpoya-poya seperti
Kalaulah besok subuh Izrail datang bertandang
Bagaimanakah nasibku..setelah dunia aku tinggalkan?

Aku bimbang..amat bimbang..
Imanku masih terumbang-umbang
Ketika aku di dalam kubur..
adakah orang yang akan mendo'akan ?
Siapa akan menyedekahkan bacaan Yasin dan surah-surah Al-Qur'an
Buat meredakan siksa kubur yang datang tanpa kasihan
Nasibku di bawah tanah..adakah siapa yang akan mengenangkan ?
Hilang aku dari pandangan..
Hilanglah aku dalam kenangan.
Jadi..kenapa aku kurang berusaha menyiapkan bekalan ?
Supaya di kubur nanti aku diberi VIP Welcome.

Aku bimbang..sangat bimbang..
Amal ibadahku sangat berkurang !
WAHAI MANUSIA ... taubatlah engkau dari sekarang
Tinggalkanlah padang bola..
TINGGALKAN HIBURAN MELAMPAU dan pergi ke masjid seperti orang lain
Qada'lah sembahyangmu yang tertinggal, bayarlah puasamu
Berhentilah menjadi sahabat syaitan
Agar hidupmu mendapat keredhaan
Sebelum engkau kembali ke

*Hasil coretan seorang sahabat kerdil yang merasakan kematian itu tiba pada bila-bila masa.

Lawak Jenaka

Murid : Selamat pagi, cikgu.

Cikgu : (Menengking) Mengapa selamat pagi sahaja? Petang dan malam awak doakan saya tak selamat?

Murid : Selamat pagi, petang dan malam cikgu!

Cikgu : Panjang sangat! Tak pernah dibuat oleh orang! Kata selamat sejahtera! Senang dan penuh bermakna. Lagipun ucapan ini meliputi semua masa dan keadaan.

Murid : Selamat sejahtera cikgu!

Cikgu : Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar sini baik-baik. Hari ini cikgu nak uji kamu semua tentang perkataan berlawan. Bila cikgu sebutkan perkataannya, kamu semua mesti menjawab dengan cepat, lawan bagi perkataan-perkataan itu, faham?

Murid : Faham, cikgu!

Cikgu : Saya tak mahu ada apa-apa gangguan.

Murid : (senyap)

Cikgu : Pandai!

Murid : Bodoh!

Cikgu : Tinggi!

Murid : Rendah!

Cikgu : Jauh!

Murid : Dekat!

Cikgu : Keadilan!

Murid : UMNO!

Cikgu : Salah!

Murid : Betul!

Cikgu : Bodoh!

Murid : Pandai!

Cikgu : Bukan!

Murid : Ya!

Cikgu : Oh Tuhan!

Murid : Oh Hamba!

Cikgu : Dengar ini!

Murid : Dengar itu!

Cikgu : Diam!

Murid : Bising!

Cikgu : Itu bukan pertanyaan, bodoh!

Murid : Ini ialah jawapan, pandai!

Cikgu : Mati aku!

Murid : Hidup kami!

Cikgu : Rotan baru tau!

Murid : Akar lama tak tau!

Cikgu : Malas aku ajar kamu!

Murid : Rajin kami belajar cikgu!

Cikgu : Kamu gila!

Murid : Kami siuman!

Cikgu : Cukup! Cukup!

Murid : Kurang! Kurang!

Cikgu : Sudah! Sudah!

Murid : Belum! Belum!

Cikgu : Mengapa kamu semua bodoh sangat?

Murid : Sebab saya seorang pandai!

Cikgu : Oh! Melawan!

Murid : Oh! Mengalah!

Cikgu : Kurang ajar!

Murid : Cukup ajar!

Cikgu : Habis aku!

Murid : Kekal kami!

Cikgu : O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis!

Murid : K.O. Pelajaran belum bermula!

Cikgu : Sudah, bodoh!

Murid : Belum, pandai!

Cikgu : Berdiri!

Murid : Duduk!

Cikgu : Saya kata UMNO salah!

Murid : Kami dengar KeADILan betul!

Cikgu : Bangang kamu ni!

Murid : Cerdik kami tu!

Cikgu : Rosak!

Murid : Baik!

Cikgu : Kamu semua ditahan tengah hari ini!

Murid : Dilepaskan tengah malam itu!

Cikgu : (Senyap dan mengambil buku-bukunya keluar.)

*Jumpa di internet..forward to ur friends who understand Bahasa

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hormati Guru Anda


Last two weeks, i went to my favorite class called Seismic Method and Interpretation..The lecturer asked us, do u wanna go to a field trip or would u rather doing assignments during ur holiday?? Everyone else opposed the field trip suggestion as we only got one week off...so, he gave us an assignment which is supposed to be sent today..but somehow when he came to class today, he asked us where is ur assignment?? So we replied, which assignment?? The "we" was only part of the class though..i kept my mouth shut cause i haven't finished it yet (yeah, i enjoyed myself a lot during the holiday)..but my point here is why do they replied "which assignment?"...then they came out with their own version of answers which is so annoying...to me, i dont know whether my lecturer is annoyed by that or not...

My version of answer is this..yeah, i know our course cause us to get close with our lecturers..and yes, we, student in my course are too well bond with our lecturers until at one point we can treat our lecturers as friends..but still, since they forgot that they are our lecturers, they tend to treat our lecturers just as friends...i dont think its wrong but i just think that it wasn't good..first of all is because we should know when to treat him as friend and when to treat him as lecturer..since some of students in my course couldnt understand this, so that is why this thing happened..second is because the way that group conveys their opinions is somehow irritate me..maybe because i once behave like them too...

Yeah, i know..some of u may know this story..the title i chose is respect ur teacher because i know what will happen when u disrespect them...it can turn ur "A" into "B" just because u disrespect them..i dont know but God may want u to respect them as they hold much more knowledge than u do...and it is normal to think that if u do bad things, bad things happened to u..i think everyone in my school knew what happened if u dont respect ur teacher as i am a good example for that...subject which i can score "A" just like that turned into "B" also just like that..and the result from that is actually big, i end up taking 10 instead of 12 subjects and i end up here in utp instead of somewhere oversea...personally, i do want to say sorry but just let bygone be bygone..

anyway, all i want to say is respect ur teacher/lecturer as they have more knowledge than u..if u make them feel bad, u will feel bad too..if not right away, maybe some other time..as for me, i knew how things will be if u dont respect ur teacher..im sorry for being such an emotional idiot while typing this..that's all from me..thank you

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pandangan Manusia


Rse cm da lme je xupdate blog ni..bkn xde idea, tp mls nk tekan keyboard...anyway, here's the story for this entry..

2 days ago, i went to kl sentral just to meet my best friend and as usual, we discussed a lot of things. From how are we gonna fulfill our dreams until the how to solve our world biggest problem. Then, after about half an hour talking, he suddenly opened an issue which is related with "the arrival/s" (im not sure whether it has the s or not). For those who doesn't know what the arrival is, you can go to youtube and search the video there.

I have not seen any of that video up until now..yeah, u should watch it, said my other friend..but no, the phrase that i used is "nak percaya xnk, xnk percaya xleh" ..so better leave it and alienate this thing..but well, since the discussion had gone this far, i might as well learn a bit about the arrival. So, my friend keep saying that the arrival is the video showing how dajjal's sign is being pomoted everywhere. It also shows some conspiracies and stuff like beyond our imagination..

But here are my answers to some of the videos

1) Kita view something 2 berdasarkan apa yg kita nak, bkn berdasarkn kebenaran..contoh, checked floor..bnde ni mmg da lme da wujud n kalo kite trace asl dy mmg la ade kaitan ng underground movement sume..but igt, org yg buat 2 maybe xtaw pon psl bnde ni, they just view it as art..so jgn la terus-terusan ckp itu salah ini xboleh, itu illuminati ini freemason, sane dajjal..view la dari pndgn kontemporari, bkn pndgn kuno..

2)kite x boleh mempercayai bulat2 apa yg disampaikan video tersebut..think about it, kalo dy bleh ckp yg itu konspirasi n ini p0n konspirasi, x mustahil video tersebut juga merupakan konspirasi yg sengaja dilakukan..besides, how do u know that it is really a MUSLIM in United States that produced this video??

i think these 2 reasons are more than enough to explain how i view this video..but since i haven't done any research yet, i can't say for sure about this video..as i said, if u dont have enough information, do not jump to conclusion...i think that is all from me..

*i still believe that the sign for the judgment day has become more clearer..so this video is actually a good reminder for us about the day..thank you