Friday, February 26, 2010

Cerita Tentang 50 dan 1


Saya ada sebuah kisah yang diceritakan oleh kawan saya kepada saya. Cerita ini adalah mengenai sekeping duit RM50 dan sekeping duit RM1. Kedua-dua keping duit ini berkawan rapat dan sentiasa bersama. Walaupun rapat, namun mereka terpaksa juga berpisah....Setelah hampir 10 tahun, mereka ditakdirkan bertemu di depan pintu masuk masjid. Berikut adalah perbualan mereka...

RM1: eh, RM50, Allah, lme btol kite xjumpe...mcm mane ko skang??sehat ke?? (dgn slang kg sket)

RM50: (dgn slang barat) owh, im bout u?

RM1: haha..ak mcm ni je la..xde bnde menarik pon..amboi, speaking ko skang..ko da pegi mane?

RM50: ive been to a lot of places..klcc, putrajaya, time square, pavilion, pulau pinang, langkawi, tioman, sabah,sarawak and many other places..(dgn sedikit riak)

RM1: o0o0o0o...byknye tempat ko da pegi..mesti best kn idop ko..

RM50: haha..not really..anyway, how about u?have u ever gone somewhere?

RM1: aku nk pegi mane la tempat ak,, masjid2, tabung2 amal, bekas org mintak sedekah..mne la ak nk pegi tempat laen...

RM50: ish3 (geleng2 kepala)....

The first time i heard this story, i feel like crap..yeah because RM50 is too much if we want to give it to mosque or to some poor beggar but it feel awefully small when we go to places like klcc, alamanda, pavilion, time square...why is that happening? damn!!

I have my logic reason for this but im not going to share with you because if you know, then you will not want to put RM50 for the i better leave that reason behind...

that is all from me, thank you..

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