Well, in UTP seeing the unseen means the oil and gas exploration in which they will use a sophisticated technology to determine whether there's a potential hydrocarbon in that area or not. But i am not going to tell you about that although i know some of you might want to know how do we explore thing that we can't see.
As it sounds, i'm going to talk about things in which it is not exactly the way they are. We usually thing it is because we are limited by the knowledge that we have, together with information needed in order to view something in its correct angle. Its the same principle used when we look at this picture.
Heh, i'm quite sure most of us look it as a couple doing a foreplay but if you show this picture to a kid i'm sure that he/she only sees a few dolphins swimming in the bottle. You see, this is because our mind has been corrupted with this kind of things, so automatically when something like this shows up we will think about this instead of looking carefully and see that there are seven beautiful dolphins swimming in that jar.
Dolphins in this case is the unseen whereas the couple doing a foreplay is what is obvious. My point here is, whenever something shows up, you don't just bang them, try to look on the other side instead. I think i already said something about looking at different angle in previous post but i don't know, maybe you guys just don't think its useful enough.
Recently, there are few cases in which we might want to look in different angle. First of all, race issues in Malaysia such as Hindraf, then about the scholarship in which the portion of non-malay races has increased, one Malaysia, the gambling issue and recently, i heard about the 40% of the real estate property in Kg Baru will be open for non-malay. Lets try and view this in different ways shall we?
When problems about different races rose, our PM immediately launched the one Malaysia concept where in this concept, no matter what races you are, you will be called a Malaysian. Of course this goes with a few condition or what i called it a bargain such as the scholarship's condition. Well, as expected there are things that we called "Memperjuangkan Hak Melayu" things going on but in my view, this is for groups that afraid their son will not get any scholarship because well, generally speaking, chinese in indians in malaysia gets better result than the malays. We can view it this way, the PM was very clever that they opened the scholarship for non-bumiputra so that there will be a competition here, they hope malays will try and compete with the chinese and indians, not just thinking like this "Takpe, aku melayu, konfem2 kalo ak apply ng result yg kurang ok p0n ak dpt".
Then there is the gambling issue. Well, i know most of us opposed it because Islam says gambling is prohibited. But i think the PM mention something about monitored gambling and no Muslims are allowed to take part of it. The license will only be given to non-muslims, so i don't see where the problem was. I get it Islam says we must not involved in gambling, and also there's hadith that admonishes us to change a wrongdoing by hand (power), tounge (advice), and hate it by heart. The problem that i see is, yes you are right but if the government does not give the license, there will be a lot of illegal bets going on and since it is not monitored, who knows maybe your brother is involved. Besides, we are not yet a muslims country as we do not implement hudud. But since we are multi-races country, if we implement hudud all of sudden, there will be an outbreak of laws, especially by non-muslims, this is because their knowledge about hudud is limited, plus, i haven't seen any methods that effectively bring these non-muslims closer to Islam.
Just so you know, I am a Muslims and i only think base on the information and knowledge that i have. I did not say that gambling is legal but given the circumstances of our environment right now, legalize the gambling issue to non-muslim only is good, and all of the thing that our PM right now proposed is something that is actually good for both malays and non-malays. We just need to view in other side. Do not, I repeat, do not view things only on one side because you are tend to base your judgment on your side.
*Remember, whenever you do something, Islam is still your religion and think by grounding your thinking to all information that you have and Islam.