Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hee, I have an issue. My issue is i am interested in many books but since money is a limitation for me, i can't buy books that cost more than MYR 50 at a particular time. So far i managed to buy these books:

  1. Revolusi IQ,EQ,SQ by Taufik Pasiak
  2. The Antioxidant Miracle by Lester Parker and Carol Colman
  3. Great Wall by John Man
  4. Live, Laugh and Learn pt 12 (Forgot the author)
  5. Power Mind (I'm not sure it's power mind or mind power. The word mind is true though)
  6. (Forgot the real title but the small description says "How does your brain arrive at a decision" or something like that)
  7. A Dictionary
Now these are few books that i hope i can get for free.

  1. Speeches that changed the world by Simon Sebag Montefiore
  2. Islam in History by Bernard Lewis
  3. Yakjuj dan Makjuj, Bencana di sebalik gunung (forgot the author)
  4. The merck manual of medical information
  5. 50 high impact speeches
  6. The Psychology of persuasion
  7. Gerakan Freemasonry, Musuh dalam menghancurkan Islam
If I am going to buy all 7 items here, it will cost me around MYR 300++ I'm not saying that i don't have that kind of money, i do but I certainly hope if there's any place where i can read anything i want and return the books anytime i want. We all have limited knowledge thanks to the prize of these books.

*Selaras dengan usaha kerajaan untuk memupuk budaya membaca, saya berharap agar lebih banyak perpustakaan awam dibuka di tempat-tempat yang tertentu. Kemudahan meminjam buku dan memperbaharui pinjaman buku secara online juga harus dimajukan seiring dengan kemajuan jalur lebar di Malaysia

p/s: I just want to read books without having to pay anything. Can't i?

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