Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seeing The Unseen


It's been a long time since I wrote something of my own. Right now I'm still in the middle of collecting data so that I can post an accurate perception, although, there is no correct perception. But anyway, I don't think this is gonna be a long post, so just relax and enjoy.

Now, some of us might know that to see the subsurface, which means what is under the ground or the water bed. We will use a method of acquiring data that we called seismic. This is a method of using the sound wave to penetrate deep enough to the earth crust to know what the geology is. If you don't understand anything about seismic, you can google it. There's a lot of pages that cover the basic meaning of seismic.

From that piece of data we had on seismic, we can interpret it so that we understand how does the subsurface world looks like. If we're lucky, maybe we can find some oil or water or maybe even precious fossils that worth millions of dollars. You see, the idea of seeing something hidden is to bombard some energy, get the feedback and you can interpret it. Let us see what happen if we applied this 3 basic things into interpreting human being.

The energy is bombarded through communication, we get the feedback just by watching their body language, tone of the voices, how he/she stressed some key points and many more. From these sort of things, you can use it to interpret the underlying problem but of course, once you interpreted it, you may have to ask the person whether or not it's true. Well, we might be wrong in our interpretation, so.. asking is the best way to know. But think before you ask.

You see, through this method, we can easily predict someone's habit, gesture and attitude. I tell you this because, most of the people hide their scar. They don't want it to resurface again. For me, I am doing this so that I can remove the scar. If it is removed, then there will be no problem of it resurface again. But how do you know what kind of scar does he/she have? By doing the 3 things I told you earlier. There has been many books that introduce us to how to read body languages and believe me, it is worth to learn this.

I think my point here is, if you want to see what's inside that person's head, you can do that by communicate and get the feedback from the person. I don't know about you, but for me, reading other's mind is basically science. Read more know more and learn more. Only by doing this you can achieve what others can't.

That's all from me. Thank you.

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