Thursday, December 31, 2009

Misi Mustahil 2010

Berikut adalah misi yang akan dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun 2010.

  1. Mencari dan menambah pengalaman serta pengetahuan. (Mengumpul pengetahuan yang berada di dalam mahupun di luar bidang yang di ambil)
  2. Mempelajari dan menguasai sesuatu yang baru. (Untuk permulaan, Adobe After Effect, programming dan Internet Hacking)
  3. Mengubah keputusan peperiksaan akhir semester. (Keputusan semester lepas belum diketahui tetapi berharap keputusan untuk sem yang akan datang menjadi lebih baik)
  4. Mengubah jadual waktu harian. (Mesti bangun 5.30 pagi dan tidur paling lewat jam 12.30 tengah malam)
  5. Mengubah tabiat makan dan berpuasa sunat. (Sarapan dan makan malam adalah wajib)
  6. Memaksa diri agar bersosial bersama rakan. (Please do not isolate yourself)
  7. Berhenti melakukan perkara yang merosakkan diri sendiri.
  8. Memaksa diri menambah amal dan membuat pahala. (Kena paksa, if not sampai bila pon kita tidak akan rela)
  9. Membelanjakan hanya separuh wang yang diberikan PETRONAS setiap bulan.
  10. Memaksa diri bersenam pada setiap petang. (Futsal pilihan terbaik setakat ini)
  11. Memaksa diri melupakan kehidupan masa lalu dan bermula dengan yang lebih baik.
  12. Memaksa diri untuk tidak berfikir panjang sebelum melakukan sesuatu. (Let your acts do your thoughts)
  13. Menjaga kebersihan dan kekemasan diri dan barangan peribadi. (Meja belajar hendaklah bersih dan teratur)
  14. Provide a certain time to watch movies and series. (Do not watch movies and series everytime you have free time)
  15. Try to decrease the time needed to stare and analyze other person. (Too much time taken will make the other person to feel unconfortable)

*Misi Mustahil yang mengandungi ayat "memaksa diri" menandakan bahawa misi tersebut adalah sukar namun akan tetap dicuba

**Dua misi terakhir ditulis didalam Bahasa Inggeris kerana ayatnya agak pelik jika ditulis didalam bahasa Melayu.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Truth

I read several articles over the internet and I found out that some of them aren't true.

I went to MPH Bookstore in Mid Valley, bought some book there and read through them, and I found out that some information in that book aren't true.

I read about the some scientific findings and I found out that that is not the actual findings.

I read the newspaper about some things that happened but to an actress, but when they approached the actress, she said "No, I didn't", although the newspaper said "Yes, she did".

I saw something small happened, but the newspaper exaggerated the real things until it looks like something big happened.

I watched Leverage and I think, what if someone that I encounter today is just something that was set up by someone?

So I tried to think what if the things that we see, the things that happened, the things that is published by books, newspaper and etc, is not the truth?

What If....

I've been thinking about this for a while.....

What if there are mistakes done during the past?

What if the true answer for 1+1 is 3?

What if the mathematicians during the past made an error that we didn't realized?

What if because of all this mistakes we can't achieve the advance technology that we dream of?

I don't know where to find the answer for all of this stupid question. But one day I sure will.

Selamat Tahun Baru

Hope this 1431 H will provide us a great journey and adventure to Heaven.