Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Truth

I read several articles over the internet and I found out that some of them aren't true.

I went to MPH Bookstore in Mid Valley, bought some book there and read through them, and I found out that some information in that book aren't true.

I read about the some scientific findings and I found out that that is not the actual findings.

I read the newspaper about some things that happened but to an actress, but when they approached the actress, she said "No, I didn't", although the newspaper said "Yes, she did".

I saw something small happened, but the newspaper exaggerated the real things until it looks like something big happened.

I watched Leverage and I think, what if someone that I encounter today is just something that was set up by someone?

So I tried to think what if the things that we see, the things that happened, the things that is published by books, newspaper and etc, is not the truth?

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