Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nur Kasih Vs Other Drama

Tempat: Blok 18-02-06
Masa: Pagi

Atul: Eh, apsal ko slalu gile ha study vector nie?
Aku: Sbb sng nk study ah...just amek pensel carik soklan then jwb...kalo subjek laen kne ade lecture note, bku nota sndr, pen, pensil, byk mnde 2...
Ayie: Ak ske dowh study mnde laen slaen vector ni...sbb ak ske kaler2 ni...lukis2 pon ak minat jgak...

Tiba-tiba terdengar suara Munir yang menukar background lagu daripada Korea (ayie) kepada Melayu

Atul: Apsl tetibe lgu Nur Kasih plak ni?
Munir: Haha...Xde ah..tetibe teringat lak kat cite 2..
Atul: Best kn cite 2?..Ak ske tgk jalan cite gile ah!!
Munir: A'ah...kalo ko tgk watak yg dorg bwk 2 mcm menjadik gler...laen dari cite2 melayu sblm ni...
Ayie: A'ah dow..mamat yg bwk watak Islam dlm 2..kua g clubbing dlm cite 2 jadik gler ah dy bawak...
Atul: Ko xtgk ke cite Nur Kasih ni?
Aku: Xminat...cte melayu bosan..xabes2 pasal cinta, then ade konflik sket2, tmbah ng jeles...ulang mnde same je...
Munir: Eh mne...ko kne tgk dow cite ni dlu bru ko taw pe best nye...siyes dy bkn psl cinta sume2 2...
Atul: A'ah..dy more on justice blablabla.. (i couldnt remember what she said at this moment)
Atul again: Da 2 kalo ko x tgk cite Melayu ko tgk cite pe?
Aku: Ak ske tgk cite Jpn...sbb dy pnye cite byk pasal kerjaya org...
Munir: Mcm la cite Jpn 2 xde cinta...msti ade pnye ah..ko bg ak 1 contoh cte Jpn yg xde cinta..
Aku: Team Medical Dragon (Iryu)...GTO...
Atul: GTO pon ade kn...yg cg laki ng cg pompn 2...
Aku: Ye cite dy lbey menunjukkn tntg perguruan 2 drpd cinta...

Zayyinul dtg n menukar topik kitorang......

Berdasarkan cerita diatas, kita boleh melihat tiga benda. Yang pertama, "Errors In Thinking". Kesilapan didalam cara berfikir ini kita boleh lihat melalui dialog "Aku" dimana dia menyatakan bahawa semua cerita Melayu adalah serupa walhal pada masa itu dia belum lagi menonton cerita Nur Kasih tersebut. "Aku" telah melabel atau "generalize" cerita melayu ini dimana padanya, cerita melayu hanya berkisar mengenai cinta, konflik dan perasaan cemburu. Hal ini sepatutnya dielakkan kerana sekiranya kita melabel sesuatu, pada akhirnya nanti, kita akan mempunyai perasaan negatif terhadap benda tersebut. Sama seperti "Aku". Dia mungkin menonton drama Melayu dan memang tidak dinafikan bahawa drama Melayu itu mempunyai perkara-perkara yang disebut olehnya. Disebabkan inilah drama Melayu itu dilabel sebagai "bosan" oleh "Aku".

Yang kedua, saya pasti ramai dalam kalangan anda telah pun menonton cerita-cerita seperti Nur Kasih ini. Namun, ingin saya tanyakan kepada anda, adakah cerita tersebut mampu menjana minda remaja masa kini atau memberi motivasi kepada mereka yang bekerjaya agar mereka dapat meningkatkan mutu produktiviti mereka? Dari sudut manakah cerita cinta ini mampu menjana minda remaja? Umum mengetahui bahawa media sebenarnya adalah medium yang sangat penting dalam menjana minda dan kelakuan terutama bagi kanak-kanak dan remaja. Dalam kajian Jhon H. Quirk (1989), kekuatan media elektronik ini mampu untuk berfungsi sebagai alat dalam difusi budaya. Maknanya, budaya yang dibawa melalui media ini mampu membuat sesebuah masyarakat itu terpengaruh dengan budaya tersebut. Dan disebabkan lambakan cerita-cerita cinta inilah, pada pendapat saya, menyebabkan berlaku pelbagai gejala sosial yang tidak asing lagi contoh-contohnya.

Yang ketiga, "Aku" juga mengatakan bahawa dia lebih berminat untuk menonton cerita Jepun kerana kebanyakan cerita Jepun adalah mengenai kerjaya, walaupun ada cerita Jepun yang berkisar mengenai cinta. Cerita-cerita seperti "Gokusen", "Iryu", "Code Blue" dan "Kurosagi" mampu memberitahu dunia bahawa pekerjaan mereka bukanlah sekadar guru atau doktor malah lebih daripada itu. "Gokusen" misalannya, menunjukkan betapa tidak semua murid yang kurang bijak itu jahat dan betapa sayangnya seorang guru terhadap anak muridnya sehingga sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi menyelamatkan anak muridnya daripada dibuang sekolah. Bagaimanakah dengan cikgu-cikgu di Malaysia? "Iryu", cerita mengenai doktor yang sanggup melanggar "medical procedure" demi menyelamatkan pesakit. Sekali lagi, bagaimanakah dengan doktor-doktor di Malaysia?

Saya disini hanya ingin menegaskan mengenai pengaruh media yang mampu memberi kesan kepada "behaviour" seseorang individu dalam masyarakat. Fikiran manusia ini sebenarnya akan menerima perkara yang diulang-ulang sehingga perkara tersebut sebati dalam pemikiran kita. Akhir kata, tidak kiralah drama apa yang anda tonton sekalipun, anda mestilah bijak dalam menapis pengajaran dan teladan yang diberikan dalam cerita tersebut. Otak manusia bukan sahaja mampu untuk menapis benda-benda sedemikian, malah turut mampu untuk memastikan kita tidak berada di bahagian yang salah dalam sesebuah drama atau cerita. Tetapi, semua itu hanya berlaku sekiranya seseorang manusia itu BERFIKIR.

*Terima kasih kerana membaca
**Dialog hanyalah rekaan semula berdasarkan ingatan penulis yang karat. Sebarang kesilapan antara dialog diatas dan dialog sebenar harap dimaafi.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Learning A Second Language

Teaching young children how to speak a second language is good for their minds, report two Cornell linguistic researchers.

Learning a second language does not cause language confusion, language delay or cognitive deficit, which have been concerns in the past. In fact, according to studies at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab (CLAL), children who learn a second language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than children who know only one language.
That's important, say Barbara Lust, a developmental psychology and linguistics expert, professor of human development and director of CLAL, and her collaborator, Sujin Yang, former postdoctoral research associate at the lab, because that ability is "responsible for selective and conscious cognitive processes to achieve goals in the face of distraction and plays a key role in academic readiness and success in school settings."
In other words, "Cognitive advantages follow from becoming bilingual," Lust says. "These cognitive advantages can contribute to a child's future academic success."
The most effective way to learn a second language, they say, is to put the young child in situations where the second language surrounds them. "We find that children learning a second language in an immersion setting show an overall success rate of grammatical knowledge similar to English monolinguals," says Yang, now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto at Scarborough and at York University in Toronto.
And the earlier that a child learns a second language, they say, the more likely the child will more quickly attain nativelike language proficiency.
Lust has been exploring language acquisition in young children for more than 30 years, across more than 20 different languages and cultures, studying which aspects of language acquisition are biologically endowed and which are learned, when and how language acquisition begins and how multiple language acquisition affects cognitive development in children.
"One of the greatest feats of human development is learning language," says Lust. It's remarkable, she says, "how well equipped children are, beginning at birth, to accomplish the complex task of learning language."

For five years, Lust has been exploring the effects of bilingualism in young children with Yang, who led a series of studies with children of 3 to 6 years of age and comparison adults. The two have co-authored several papers.
"This collection of multilingualism projects, along with many research results from other labs across the world, affirms that children can learn more than one language, and they will even do so naturally if surrounded by the languages. The mystery of first-language acquisition is intensified when we realize that a child can and does naturally acquire more than one language at once," says Lust, a founding member of the National Science Foundation-funded Virtual Center for the study of Language Acquisition (VCLA), which integrates research findings from such diverse fields as linguistics, developmental and experimental psychology, and neuroscience from around the country and the world.
In the CLAL, in conjunction with the VCLA and with Yang, Lust and her colleagues are also looking at longitudinal case studies of several young children acquiring English for the first time at 3 years of age through immersion in local nursery schools.

Tips to teach a child a second language
• Surround the child with more than one language through conversations and social groups using different languages; the earlier the better.
• Maintain home (heritage) language when a second language is being learned outside the home. • Expose children to multilingual settings and give them plenty of opportunities to play with children who speak the second language. • Provide fun and interactive language-learning environments (e.g., music, dance and film) in both languages, and often with children of similar age.
• Promote reading and storytelling in multiple languages.
• Maintain a positive attitude toward languages and cultures children learn.

*Article is retrieved from

Monday, August 24, 2009

Multiple Intelligences

As you can see, this post is about Multiple Intelligences which is proposed by Howard Gardner. In his book, Frames of Mind (1983), he said that intelligence is not a single unit. His theory proposed Eight distinct,relatively independant intelligence

In this theory, there can be more than eight intelligence actually, but this eight is the most common intelligence that we can see. What more important is as a human, we have all this intelligence but not all of them develop equally. That is why we have a few intelligence which is more dominant than the others.

Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
  • Verbal/Linguistic
  • Logical/ Mathematical
  • Visual/Spatial
  • Bodily/Kinesthetic
  • Musical/Rythmic
  • Naturalist
  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal
  1. Verbal/Linguistic- Sensitive towards language, meanings of a word, relationship among words. This intelligence is associated with the ability to speak, write, reading and listening very well. Novelist, poet, copywriter, editor and public relation officer often has this type of intelligence
  2. Logical/Mathematical-Abstract thought, precision, counting, organizing, logical structure. This type of intelligence display an aptitude for numbers, reasoning and problem solving. We can see this type of intelligence in mathematician, scientist, engineer and accountant
  3. Visual/Spatial-Very keen observation, visual thinking, mental images, sense of gestalt, metaphor. Person who has this type of intelligence also enjoy maps, charts, graphs, tables, illustrations, arts, puzzles-anything eye catching. Architects, painters, naturalists or theoritical physicist usually have this kind of intelligence.
  4. Musical/Ryhtmic-Sensitive to pitch, ryhtm, timbre, emotional power, complex organization. Associated with ability to learn well through songs, patterns, rythms, instrument and musical expressions. Performer, composer, conductor, recording engineer and those who create musical instrument possess this intelligence
  5. Body/Kinesthetic-Control of one's body, timing and trained responses. Person who has this type of intelligence learn best through activity such as games, movement and hand on tasks. Athlete, dancer and surgeon are among the one who have this intelligence
  6. Naturalist-Love the outdoors, animals, field trips. More than this, the person who has this intelligence love to pick up subtle differences in meaning. The traditional classroom environment has not been accomodating to these people. Animal doctors and environmental activist do possess this intelligence.
  7. Interpersonal-Has high level of sensitivity towards others, and always consider others. Noticeable in people who do their learning cooperatively in groups or with a partner. Teacher, politician, religious leader and counselor are among the people who has this intelligence
  8. Intrapersonal-Developed sense of self. Novelist, wise elder and philosopher are among those who possess this intelligence.

These eight intelligences are not the only intelligences found in Howard Gardner's theory as I stated earlier. With this multiple intelligences theory, I hope by now we can notice what type of intelligence that we possess. And right now we have two choices, either to enhance the other type of intelligence or to just focus on our dominant intelligence. Ask yourself and answer the question truthfully and you will become a better person than you are now. Thank you for reading this post.

*Based on Multiple Intelligences, Thinking Skill Courses (2008), UTP.

Friday, August 21, 2009

7 Prinsip Kreatif Leonardo Da Vinci

*This post is again in Bahasa Melayu

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci merupakan seorang yang memiliki berbagai kemampuan dan kemahiran. Dia seorang pelukis, ahli anatomi, tukang masak handalan, perancang senjata tentera, ahli botani, ahli fizik dan bermacam-macam lagi.
Michael J. Gelb (2001:19-258) telah menyenaraikan tahap-tahap kreatif yang dilakukan oleh Leonardo Da Vinci sehingga dia begitu mahir dalam banyak bidang.
7 Prinsip Kreatif Leonardo Da Vinci
  1. Curiosita: Rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam
  2. Dimostrazione: Menguji pengetahuan melalui pengalaman, ketekunan dan sanggup belajar dari kesilapan
  3. Sensazione: Menajamkan pancaindera secara terus-menerus
  4. Sfumato: Kesediaan menerima perkara-perkara yang tidak pasti atau kelihatan bertentangan
  5. Arte/Scienza: Mengembangkan keseimbangan ilmu dan seni, logik dan imaginasi (Otak kiri-otak kanan)
  6. Corporalita: Pemupukan keunggulan, kemahiran kedua belah tangan, kesegaran dan sikap tubuh yang betul
  7. Connessione: Pengakuan dan penghargaan terhadap kaitan semua perkara

Melalui 7 prinsip ini, kita dapat lihat bagaimana Leonardo Da Vinci mampu menjadi seorang pelukis dan pada masa yang sama menyelesaikan masalah matematik yang kompleks. Hal ini membuktikan kepada kita bahawa walaupun seseorang itu mempunyai sesuatu kelebihan, namun dengan ketekunan untuk belajar dan rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam, kita mampu memperoleh kebolehan yang pada asalnya tidak kita miliki. Ingatlah, bahawa Allah mengurniakan kita otak kiri dan otak kanan kerana kedua-dua otak inilah yang menunjukkan bahawa manusia itu adalah ciptaan Allah yang agung. Fikir-fikirkanlah. Terima kasih kerana membaca.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beautiful Quotes

"To find fault is easy. To do better may be difficult"
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi
"Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have"
-Zig Ziglar
"Things may come to those who wait, but only what's left behind by those who hustle"
-Abraham Lincoln
"The best preparation of tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well"
- Sir William Osler
"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools"
"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across. your ideas wont't go anywhere"
-Lee Iacocca
"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle"
-Erin Majors

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Advance Technology

Just finished viewing some articles in my favourite website

One of the article that I found pretty cool was an article about touchable hologram. I am pretty sure that everyone know what hologram is. Well in this touchable hologram, you can feel the hologram with your bare hand. This hologram projector uses an ultrasound phenomenon called acoustic radiation pressure in order to create pressure sensation on user's hand.

I wonder how fast will this technology develop? I read the comments about this article and unsurprisingly, many of them think that it will be good if this technology can be use for gaming purposes. You can fight any martial artist or experience the true terror of war by using this technology. The question now is only when.

If we take a glance back at history, in 1920, a television only have black and white colour but only 50 years later, it has advance from two colours to multiple colours and also can be used for broadcasting. In history if hologram, the first hologram ever recorded 3D objects were made in 1962 but only about 45 years later, it has advance to a higher level despite of the war that happen during that time.

I just hope that this type of technology will be used for the betterment of human. We can use this type of technology for learning purposes especially in learning some dangerous experiment. Just as reminder, human is always the one to blame, because human create something and it is also human who try to manipulate their creation. I think that is all for this short post. Thanks for reading.

*I'm currently reading a book entitle The Great Wall.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Solat dan Tindak Balas Santai

*This post is in Bahasa Melayu (don't try to translate it)

Tindak balas santai terjadi melalui penurunan dari segi penggunaan oksigen oleh tubuh. Tubuh tidak bekerja dengan kuat di dalam keadaan santai ini. Ketika tubuh dalam keadaan tindak balas santai ini, otak akan menunjukkan gelombang alfa. Ini bermakna, otak akan berada dalam keadaan jelas, tenang, rehat tetapi bersedia melakukan sesuatu. Herbert Benson, antara doktor terawal yang menggunakan spiritualiti dalam bidang perubatan Eropah menyatakan bahawa tindak balas santai ini sebenarnya digunakan oleh orang zaman dahulu sebagai salah satu teknik perubatan yang digunakan untuk mencegah diri dari penyakit, jauh sebelum teknik kedoktoran moden merawat pelbagai jenis penyakit masa kini.
Syarat bagi mendapatkan keadaan bersantai ini ada 4:
  1. Kita mestilah berada dalam persekitaran yang tenang
  2. Menetapkan satu objek bagi memusatkan perhatian
  3. Bersikap pasif (pasrah)
  4. Berada dalam keadaan yang aman dan damai
Makanan Otak:
  • Makanan berkhasiat seperti kismis, kekacang dan madu
  • Sentiasa berfikir dengan rasional
  • Menata atau menjaga perasaan
  • Mempertingkatkan tahap kerohanian
  • Melatih tubuh dan pancaindera
Di antara cara untuk mendapat keadaan tindak balas santai ini adalah dengan bertafakur dan menenangkan fikiran. Malah menurun Herbert Benson lagi, kombinasi di antara teknik santai yang baik beserta kuatnya keyakinan merupakan antara kunci bagi menjayakan proses santai ini. Contoh yang diberikan oleh Benson ialah doa (di dalam beberapa agama) yang boleh menjadi kata fokus ketika seseorang itu bertafakur. Benson juga sering berulak alik ke Tibet bagi mempelajari teknik bertafakur ahli yoga Tibet. Namun bagi kita masyarakat Islam, solat merupakan medium terbaik kita bagi mendapatkan keadaan tindak balas santai ini.

Solat yang dilakukan secara serius boleh mendatangkan kesan tindak balas santai tubuh yang baik. Niat yang ikhlas yang dibacakan ketika hendak memulakan solat merupakan permulaan yang baik dalam memunculkan tindak balas santai daripada tubuh. Tekad atau ikrar yang diucapkan semasa bacaan doa iftitah pula mampu membuatkan seseorang itu memberikan penumpuan dalam fikiran. Konsentrasi fikiran juga merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam solat sekaligus, dalam erti kata lain, ia juga merupakan kunci sesebuah ketenangan.

Penumpuan fikiran yang berpadu dengan gerakan teratur solat menghasilkan tidak balas tubuh, menurunkan tekanan darah atau menjadikan denyutan nadi berjalan dengan teratur. Gerakan solat itu sendiri adalah fisiologi tubuh. Ini bermakna, gerakan-gerakan ini adalah alamiah yang mengikut bentuk anatomi tubuh bagi memastikan gerakan-gerakan ini tidak aneh dan janggal bagi tubuh. Jika kita lihat kembali proses solat ini dengan syarat serta "makanan" otak ini, kita dapat menyaksikan betapa solat itu memenuhi segala aspek yang diperlukan bagi memastikan kesihatan tubuh dan ketenangan fikiran. Dua perkara ini sebenarnya merupakan kunci bagi memastikan kejayaan hidup insyaALLAH di dunia dan di akhirat.

Sesungguhnya ALLAH itu lebih mengetahui. Terima kasih kerana membaca.

*Info diambil dan diadaptasi daripada buku REVOLUSI IQ-EQ-SQ karya Taufik Pasiak (2008) yang diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Melayu oleh PTS Millennia Sdn. Bhd.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Relax Week

Story 1

Bud is a driver for one of the most important and famous physicist in the world name Prof Stone. Prof Stone involves in many conferences and lectures. To make the long story short, when Bud started his job, he drove Prof Stone to his first lecture of the day. Since his part is taking about 4 hours in the first slot, Bud, who don't know where else to go sit at the back of the lecture hall and holding newspaper that Prof Stone by at the side of the road. Everytime Prof Stone had to give lectures in any places Bud will drive for him and sit at the back of the lecture hall. For 10 years Bud is doing that and suddenly on one very fine day he asked Prof Stone, "Prof, I've been following you for 10 years. I've listened to many kind of things in your lecture and I also know the common question that people would ask. So, can I replace you in today's lecture?" Prof Stone reach his cup of coffee and said "alright, if that is what you want." So on that day Prof Stone is the driver while Bud is the lecturer. When the lecture start, Bud explain everything just exactly the same as how Prof Stone is doing it and he was asked the question that he know what the answer is. Prof Stone was thrilled by Bud's performance and so he asked him to do the same on the next day. But agreed. So on the next day, again Bud is giving lectures while Prof Stone sit at the back of the lecture hall holding newspaper. But this time one of the young mind stand up and raise a question that Bud never heard of and is said to be the best question in his 10 years experiences with Prof Stone. But Bud smile and said "that is a very simple question. Even MY DRIVER back there can answer your question!"

Story 2

One day, a doctor visited an asylum to visit his old friend who works there. During his conversation with his old friend, he didn't notice that a patient there has punctured his car. He only noticed that when he walked towards the car. By hook or by crook he had to change the car's tyre. Successfully removed the punctured tyre and replace it with new tyre, now he only need to put the nuts back on. But a patient accidentally bumped him. And moreover the nuts fell in the drain near the car. The doctor tried his very best to get the nuts back and keep scolding the patient who bumped him. Suddenly the patient said "why don't you take one nut from each tyre to make up for the lost nut? I am quite sure that the car can still move with three nuts on each tyre." The doctore was thrilled by the idea that he himself hadn't think of. Then the doctor asked "You are so brilliant. What made you here?" The patient replied " I AM crazy but I'm not stupid."

Story 3

An old lady went to a post office and give the officer there the thing that she wanted to post. When the officer weight the thing he said to the old lady "I'm sorry. Your package is too heavy than it should so you need an extra stamp." The old lady replied "Oh, ok. But wouldn't the extra stamp make it heavier?"

Story 4

One day, US former president, Bush come to Malaysia. To take care of diplomatic relationship, government has set the driver and booked a five star hotel room for him. Next day, the driver pick Bush up at his hotel and drive him to whereever he want. Feeling bored, the driver ask Bush what he always want to do. "Well..." Bush said. "I always want to drive cause everywhere I go people has set up a driver for me." The driver granted what Bush had wished and let him drive for the day. But when Bush is driving, he forgot to stop at one red light and his action was seen by one young police officer. The police officer frightened up when he saw BUSH is the one who drive that car. So he called his superior and said "Sir, I caught a Very Very Important Person violate the red light. What should I do?" His superior officer replied "Well, who was it? A minister?" "No sir, he is beyond that level." "Erm..Prime Minister?" "No sir, he is more important than the Prime Minister." Frustated with the problem the superior officer ask "Well who is that VVIP?" Then the officer replied "I don't know sir. But the driver itself is BUSH."

*This joke is not pure mine. This is a joke that I remembered or read from someplace and edited it before posting it.