Friday, July 31, 2009

Differences in Intelligence, Knowledge and Thinking

Thinking is the most fundamental process of human mind. That is why we need to know how to control our mind and also how to think. You need to think before you make any plan, solve problems, take initiatives, open up opportunities and design your way forward.

Thinking is fun only if you learn how to make it so

Thinking is a skill that can be learn. But you have to want to develop the skill before you master it. In simple example, you might need to learn how to drive a car if you want to be F1 racer.

The belief that thinking and intelligence is the same has led to two unfortunate conclusion in education. First, nothing should be done for students with high intelligence because they will automatically become a good thinkers. Second is nothing can be done for students with low intelligence because they will automatically become a poor thinkers.

Thinking and intelligence are not the same. Intelligence is like a horsepower of a car while thinking is like the driver's skill. In this analogy, the knowledge act as a fuel for the car. This analogy has led us to a few conclusion:

  1. A less powerful car may be driven well

  2. A powerful car may be driven badly

  3. The skill of the driver determines how the power of the car is used

  4. The skill of the thinker determines how intelligence is used

  5. Therefore intelligence and thinking is not the same.

With this anology, we can change the above facts by using one simple sentence:

Skill can be taught

In the analogy of the car, the skill means the driver. If the driver's skill is good, the car will be driven well although the horsepower is low. This also means that someone who receive any training on how to train his/her mind will have some advantages in thinking. Thinking is the operating skill which use our intelligence. That is why we can develop it and improvise it.

Why do you need thinking skill?

Because a highly intelligent people can be a poor thinker and a low intelligent people can become a successful person. How? Not by reading this post of course but one of the causes is most people always fall into "intelligence trap". This intelligence trap is set up using two things, first the common sense and second is environmental factor. Common sense will give us a generalisation about people while the environmental factor will set us right to the judgment step before we consider all other factor. I'll talk about this two things later, but I hope for now you understand the true meaning of thinking and intelligence. Thanks for reading and I hope that you practice on how to think correctly or otherwise, you'll fall into intelligence trap that I wrote just now. Thank you

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Personal Thinking Style

The V-A-K system that I showed on previous post distinguishes how we perceive information. But in brain dominance, it show us how the brain process the information. The brain dominance that I wrote here was introduced by Anthony Gregorc (google if you want to know more).

In this brain dominance, the brain is divided into four quadrants:
  1. Concrete Sequential
  2. Abstract Sequential
  3. Concrete Random
  4. Abstract Random

People who fall into the two sequetial part tend to be left brain dominant while random thinkers are generally right brain dominant. Before I proceed, you can take the test to determine in which quadrant you are (you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a calculator).

Have you determine in which quadrant you are? Look at the characteristics below. It is not entirely true but most part of it is.

Concrete Sequential Thinkers

Notice details easily

Recall details easily

Need to organize task using step-by-step process

Strive for perfection

Concrete Random Thinkers

Prefer trial and error approach

Like to use instinct more

Rarely accept anything outside the territory

Tend to be impulsive

Don't like to read direction and dislike structure

Abstract Random

Focus on relationship and emotions

Respond to visual method of instructions, group discussion and time for reflection

Enjoy evaluating personal experiences

Thrive in unstructured people oriented environment

Abstract Sequential

Highly verbal, logic and analytical

Love solitude

Prefer well organized material

Highly skeptical

Have problems in picking up subtle nonverbal cues

Dislike distraction

Below are some tips or advices for you to use in your work:

Tips for Concrete Sequential Thinkers

•Build on your organizational skills
•Provide yourself with details
•Break your projects down into specific steps
•Set up a quiet work environment

Tips for Concrete Random Thinkers

•Use your divergent ability
•Set yourself up to solve problems
•Check your time
•Accept your need to change
•Find personal support

Tips for Abstract Random Thinkers

•Use your natural ability to work with others.
•Recognize how strongly emotions influence your concentration.
•Build on your strength of learning by association.
•Look at the big picture.
•Be aware of time.
•Use visual cues.

Tips for Abstract Sequential

•Give yourself exercises in logic.
•Feed your intellect.
•Strive for structure and analyze the people you deal with

USEFULNESS: Different activities demand different types of thinking styles, so it is to your advantage to know your predominant style and second, what you can do to develop the other thinking styles in yourself. Hope you enjoy reading this post. Thanks for reading.

Useful References

•Bobbi DePorter & Mike Hernacki, Quantum Learning:Unleashing The Genius In You,Dell Publishing,1992.

Imothy J. Sewall. "The measurement of learning style: a critique of four assessment tools". Technical report (ERIC ED267247), Wisconsin University, Green Bay, Assessment Center, 1986.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Personal Learning Style

Many of us doesn't know what a personal learning style is. Learning style is a combination of how you perceive, then organize and process the information. The personal learning style depends on two categories:

  • How you perceive the information most easily (modality)
  • How you organize and process the information (brain dominance)

When you are familiar with your learning style, you can take the important steps to learn faster and more easily. Now we are going to know what the first categories is. How do you perceive information most easily? There are 3 ways:

  1. Visual - Learning through seeing
  2. Auditory - Learning through hearing
  3. Kinesthetic - Learning through touching, moving and doing.

How do you know in which way you are in? Well, it can be determine by your characteristics. For example, do you often catch yourself saying "that looks right to me" or "that sounds good to me"? The phrase may determine which type are you. "Look" is visual and "sound" is auditory. Here are some of the characteristics for visual, auditory or kinesthetic learners;

  • Visual

Is good at spelling but forgets names.

Needs quiet study time.

Has to think awhile before understanding lecture.

Likes colors & fashion.

Dreams in color.

Understands/likes charts.

Is good with sign language

  • Auditory

Likes to read to self out loud.

Is not afraid to speak in class.

Likes oral reports. Is good at explaining.

Remembers names.

Notices sound effects in movies.

Enjoys music.

Is good at grammar and foreign language.

Reads slowly.

Follows spoken directions well.

Can’t keep quiet for long periods.

Enjoys acting, being on stage.

Is good in study groups.

  • Kinesthetics

Is good at sports.

Can’t sit still for long.

Is not great at spelling.

Does not have great handwriting.

Likes science lab.

Studies with loud music on.

Likes adventure books, movies.

Likes role playing.

Takes breaks when studying.

Builds models.

Is involved in martial arts, dance.

Is fidgety during lectures

I will explain about thinking style and brain dominance in later post. Hopefully what you get here is useful for you. For further reading about personal learning style, you can visit . Thank you for reading.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brain Quotient and Achievements

To public, the above title may look normal but to researcher who specialize on this matter, those two are completely different. It is because someone who possess a high IQ is not certain to be a successful mankind. In other words, IQ does not tell us whether the person will be successful or not.

The most tragic incident regarding this can be seen in Theodore John Kaczynski. He was a genius mathematician graduated from Harvard Univercity and Michigan Univercity. He was also called an "unabomber" after he killed 3 people and injured another 23. He was planning for this event for 17 years. From what he had done, we couldn't expected that Ted (nickname for Theodore John Kaczynski), during his 16 received a scholar to pursue his study at Harvard Univercity and obtain his MBA and PhD at the age of 20 and 21.

This young, genius mind is actually full with mathematical formulae. His ability was incredible. "Ted always used his imaginations" said one of Ted's former lecturer. But unfortunately, although his IQ was very high, he lacked on social skills. Ted was unable to make any social relation with other people. And we can see that nowadays "Ted" exist around as in many form.

In this world, some of us may know and admire Thomas Eddison rather than Muhammad Ali. This is not wrong but it proved that the reason why different people admire different person is because these people possessed different skills and talent. Thomas Eddison was good in science and technology but he's not good with boxing. Same goes with Ali, he was very good at boxing but was not good at science. The Intelligence Quotient introduced by William Stern a century ago attract people from many fields. And by using this IQ thing, people are forced to have a high IQ and it is too sad that IQ is the prime key to success at this time. This system terminate chances or ability or talent that people with low IQ has and therefore they are considered as failure.

According to Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, IQ only contributes about 5% to 10% in order to achieve a high achievement in our lives. The remaining percents are the combinations of many different thing such as Emotional Quotient (Gramedia, 1996). Stoltz in his book, Adversity Quotient (Gramedia, 2000), said that efforts, talent, desire, attitude, knowledge and believe are the factor that lead towards successful life.

IQ, EQ and Multiple Intelligences (introduced by Howard Gardner) are the aspect that hold the key that hide the hidden ability of human mind. But this three concepts have some weaknesses in revealing the brain's potential power. IQ for example, only deals with rational thing and it doesn't give any chances in emotional aspects such as empathy, self motivation or social relationship. Same with IQ, MI only revealed cognitive aspects such as music, sports and social skill. EQ on the other hand leave spiritual aspect behind in order to achieve success. But the Spiritual Quotient, which involve religions and moral value, is the strongest quotient above all the quotient because by using this quotient, you can have a happy and beautiful life although you don't have very high EQ or IQ.
Thank you for reading up until here. Later on I will post some other interesting fact about human mind hidden potential.

*All the facts here are taken from "Revolusi IQ,EQ,SQ" written by Taufik Pasiak, an Indonesian writer. This is a very nice book and you guys should read it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Errors In Thinking

In this world, it is important for us to think correctly and to avoid any errors in thinking. This is important no matter who you are because if you don't think correctly, you will end up doing mistakes and that mistakes may cause something. Here I put some of the common errors in thinking and hopefully you'll always aware of it and avoid it from happening at all cost.

  1. Partialism. This is the major error in thinking where the thinker, only thinks about one part of the problem/things. Usually happens because inadequacy/insufficiency of perception. May be intentional or unintentional.

  2. Time scale: This is another type of partialism in which the thinker only include a narrow slice of time. For example, an IT undergraduate students see that his friend whose works in a small business and get RM2000++ without even diploma certificate decides to leave his study and join the business. He didn't think that in the next 5 years after he graduate, he will not only get a degree certificate, but even a higher starting salary than his friend and even a faster promotion.

  3. Egocentricity: The thinker only think about how the problem's gonna affect his own self personally. Example, you are an important person in your company and everyone in the company loves and respects you. But out of the blue you receive an offer from the other company with a higher salary and decide to leave. The error is unable to trace the effect of his action to the others

  4. Arrogance and Conseit: Arises when there is a logic explanation for something and that logic explanation is taken to be the right explaination. For example, government said that sciences and mathematics should be teached in English but the standard of science and math is a little bit drop. So the logic explanation is science and math should not be teached in English as it drops the standard of the subject and thus academic performance.

  5. Initial Judgement: When an idea arises, the thinker quickly judge the idea as good or bad. This error in thinking may happen due to like/dislike/position or based on social/emotion/belief. As an example, when you see a group of people with scary faces, have muscle and look like a bunch of criminals walking their way towards you,who is sitting on a bench alone at that time, you may think that the group want to rob or bullying you. And you have start running away before the group reached you. In fact, the group is actually want to ask for direction to the mosque but since your error in thinking happened, they have to find someone else to ask for.

  6. Adversary thinking: In this process, rather than think together, the thinker always try to prove others wrong. He doesn't need to prove that his right to show that others is wrong. Example, if A claims that B is wrong, automatically people will think that A is right although he is not actually right.

  7. Ego-involvement: In this thinking, the thinker usually think just to protect his own ego or pride. Usually is practised by someone who is smart and famous such as politician, a teacher,professor and some other people. Usually they do this because they don't want to admit that they have make mistakes. For example, a teacher is solving a math equation using completing the square method but there is some error in the solution. A student raise their hand to say that the teacher's wrong but instead of admit his/her own mistake they say "who's the teacher here? Me or you?."

  8. Magnitude error: This type of error happen when the thinker can't or forgot to include the problem on the larger scale. For example, since many of the "Mat Rempit" are male, preventing male from going outside at night might be logic as an answer. But on the larger scale, not all male is Mat Rempit. So the answer although it is logic, it can't be used as an answer to this problem.
  9. Extreme thinking: This error happen when the thinker is pessimistic all the time. The pessimistic person always think of something bad although the thing is good. For example, if there is suggestion that weapon system should be introduce as one of a course in university, extreme thinker will say that if people take that course, the student will think like a terrorist and thus the next future leader is also terrorist and also cause the nation to approve terrorism.

I hope that all of us may avoid this error. Use your rational when dealing with any kind of situations and do not let anything affect your mind so that the errors in thinking may take place. That's all from me for this time. Thank you for reading.

Further reading:

Abby Marks-Beale, “Study Skills, The Tools for Active Learning,”Chapter 13 Developing Critical Thinking Skills – Some Common Mistakes In Thinking,Delmar Publishers Inc.,1994

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A New Kickstart

In the book entitle "Hadith 40", you can see that the first hadith in that book is about our intent/aim/purposes when we are doing something. This means that whatever we are doing we must have aim. A strong aim will show us the path that will lead us to it. Needless to say, if you have good aim and it will lead you to a good one and vice versa. But we don't need just the aim, we also need efforts. The amount of effort will determine whether the aim could be achieve or not. Let say you are trapped in a jungle, when you are looking for a path at the jungle to save yourselves, what do you do? You climb a tree. The higher the tree, the more likely you will se where the path lead you. The tree is the aim. And when you found the path, you need to cut down all the trees and bushes that block your path. This is what we call effort. After that what should we do? Pray. Pray and hope to God so that the path that you choose is not wrong. Then only can you manage to get out of the jungle safely.

So, when we are doing anything, think about the objectives of what you are doing. Then think about the effort that you are doing. See whether it is worth or not. I guess you all are big enough to think which one is worth and which one is not. And last but not least, don't forget to pray. Pray means putting your hope and ask for God to give His bless to you so that the effort that you make isn't worthless when you have think its worth. And whatever the outcome is, remember that God always choose the best for you. Thanks for reading this entry and hopefully I can do whatever I say in this post. Thank you.

Aim+Efforts+Pray=Mission accomplished

Listen to the voices of your heart and think with your mind, the outcome will be clear.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Bitterness of Truth

I just finished reading a comment about my friend towards me and I don't know if I should feel angry to him or not. In fact I actualy don't care what he said. But why did he put "ak mintak maaf byk2 kalo komen ni menyakitkan hati ko" ? I don't know how about others but I never care about what others feel cause I am very sure if I care, then I will be angry. And only people from my primary school know how I was when I am angry. Don't need to tell what had happened during that time but I am sure that if I care, I am gonna be like that.

If you gonna say the truth about other person, have you think or consider again your thought? Well of course you have because if you don't then you will feel awkward when writing something to his or her. But at least, if you want to tell the truth, just tell them with a little bit innocence face. You need a steel heart to tell the truth to others. That what I have read in I don't remember which book. Truth is like pressure that burden yourself. Let it out by telling the person what you actually want to say. Don't let the truth fill up your glass box. Believe me, truth may sound bitter but the changes that will happen is positive and sweet.

For me, I as long as I control my emotions I can except whatever words that you want to say to me. Actually I don't care with what you will say but I do care what you are going to do with what you said. For instance if you said I don't love you, I don't care but I do care if you start to walk out of my life. Hee..I couldn't find another good example. But that's the basic idea about me. Just want to say that if you think that others may have something to say for you, let them say it in front of you, don't let them gossiping behind you as they don't know what you think and what you feel. I am just writing this post because I feel like I have to let this emotions go and right now writing is the option I chose because the other one, you won't like it. Thanks for reading this boring entry.

-The difference between knowing and not knowing may cause someone his life-
-Truth is convenience only if it benefit other party-
-To tell the truth is hard, to except the truth is harder but to change because of the truth is hardest-

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pressure, Yourself and The World

Tired. I just finished my sharing session with some of my committee members before the idea to write this post came up. Sharing is caring. That what people always say. From my view, sharing is the way to relieve or unburden yourself. Try to grasp the meaning inside this story. Imagine yourself lock inside a glass box. Then a pail of water is poured onto you who's trapped inside the box. At first you might not feeling anything but as the water fill up the box, you started to feel some trouble. Soon when the water fill up all the spaces in the box and at this moment, you may drown and no one's there to save you. But if you let the water flow out before it fill up the box, you will be saving your own life.

The story about the box hasn't finished yet. When you were trapped inside the glass box, you stared at people outside the box and noticed what they do. Some of them might just look at you without feeling, some might look like they want to help but afraid the water wet up their beautiful clothes and some of them might trying to break the glass but couldn't do so because they saw you didn't even tried to break the glass. If we are the one who's outside the box, what will you do when you see someone's drowning inside the box infront of you? I don't know what you all feel but try to look around you. Your friends, family and some other important figures, have you ever noticed what they feel right now? In fact, have you ever ask them how they feel?

If you do then its good but if you don't, you might want to reconsider your thought. Pressure is everywhere eventhough you are not aware of carrying it. Different people act differently at high pressure. Some of them might shine like a diamond under high pressure but some of them might crumple and crash. What make these two situations' different? Their surrounding. You can't live without support and help from others. You depend on others to live actually. So stop saying something like the world don't need you or you are just some clumsy bastard. This is because if you don't need others help, others might need your help. So what I want you to do is tell the world about the amount of water trapped inside your box and try to break the box with people you have around you. I am very sure that the box will eventually break up and the water will flow out.

##You will always find someone who can support you##
Money is everything nowadays. Friends can give us money. So friends can give us a everything. Now which one is more important? Money that give everything or a friend that can give money and give everything?

Jews and The World

Just now I finished reviewing my friend's blog and it is awesome. Not her blog (sorry) but the contents of the blog. I like the part when she wrote about a research done by Dr. Stephen Carr Leon (I googled up his name but there aren't any article that stated about his biography or whatsoever instead I found one about Dr Asri Zainal Abidin and his article about why jews are so smart).

So,I go to again but this time I was googling "The Jews". Among all the websites that appear, I picked up articles from and If you read this thoroughly you will encounter a part where Jews are a tribe or a clan that have a very very bad attitude among outsiders. To them, they are the chosen and to others they can be treated like slaves. If you click on the link and read them, you will find a part where Jews can't eat pork,certain seafood and unslaughtered animal. This is the same as Islam told us to do. Again, if you read the articles carefuly, you'll also find about their religion, which is originated from Abraham but has been altered by Jews itself to satisfy their needs.

As you continue reading the article(not my post) you can conclude that they believe in what was stated in Quran and their old testament. And surprisingly, they follow the way Islam thought us to do but refuse to believe in Islam. But, as I stated earlier, they only treat their kin with love and others, like crap. Due to this, the world was once massacred the Jews. You can google it if you want and you will find how many Jews were killed because of their attitude and their desire to overtake the country they live in.

Actually I want to talk about this more but reading online materials make my eyes dry and lazy comes in. The last information that I can give is Jews is good and normal when they are alone and not with their kind. Albert Einstein is a Jewish. Let us not stereotype the Jews as it is only their wrong belief that made them the way they are. Perhaps if we can convince the Jews about how their belief is wrong, we can make this world a better place to live. If any part of this story is wrong and need some corrections, just say so. And thanks for reading.
"If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as German and France will declare that I am the citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say I am a German and German will declare that I am a Jew" -Albert Einstein-

Laugh and Learn

I was having a bad day yesterday cause I need to wait about two and a half hour waiting for my friends to finsih watching Harry Porter. Actually, I was about to lose my temper but a girl I knew greeted me with a smile and ask me to follow her into MPH bookstore. At that place, I found a book entitle Laugh & Learn Humour by George Ong. It was a simple book but contain many wonderful jokes. Here I would like to share some of them.

  1. Three captured missionares stood in front of the cannibal chief. "As I am in a good mood, I'm giving the three of you a chance to live but first you must go into the jungle and pick any fruit that you find and bring it here". An hour, the first missionary came back with rambutans and ten minutes later the second missionary returned with strawberries. "Now," the cannibal chief said. "You must carry each of the fruit that you found into your backside. You must not laugh while doing so, otherwise, you will be put to death. Unfortunately, the first missionary thinks that it all seemed too silly. He giggled and was sentenced to death before went straight to heaven. After a while, the second missionary joined the first misionary in heaven. "I thought you were carrying the smaller strawberries. You should do better than me with bigger rambutans," said the first missionary. "Well, I was doing fine. Until I saw the third missionary came back carrying a basket of durians."
  2. There's a new book out called 'How to be Happy WITHOUT Money'. The book cost $30
  3. "What's the different between a boring book and a boring teacher?""Well, you can shut the book up."
  4. Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Use the dollar as a bookmark (Fred Stoller)
  5. "I'm turning over a new leaf. I just finished reading a book called '101 Easy Ways To Make Money." said Bob. "Sounds good. Then maybe people won't think you are lazy," Tom replied. Then Bob said "Right, you're looking at a new man. I'm on my way to the top. Could you loan me 10$?"."What? You just finished a book called 101 Easy Ways to Make Money, and now you want to borrow 10$!?" Tom ask, a little bit of disappointment showed up in his face. Then Bob replied with an innocence face " Yeah. That's one of the easiest ways".

There are more jokes that I can quote from the book and post it here but I think i've done a little bit plagiarism here. Anyway, what I want to say is be the want who make jokes because your are not going to be mad at if you make the other party laugh. Believe me. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Right Brain Vs Left Brain

Last night I went to mamak stall with some Debat Alam Sekitar 2009 committee members and when we arrived at the stall, they were already playing some games that I don't know what it's called. From my observations, the games were responded very well from the women and the female type of male-pondan la tu-.....We, pure male are actually having some difficulties in tracing the connections on how the game was played whereas the female and sissies were doing it great. I was not saying that the pure man couldn't do it but last night I only saw 2 or 3 of them that saw the "how" the game played.

The question is, why is it difficult for man to discover the how part of the game while the female do it very efficiently? The only answer that I can figure out is they have different way of thinking process. I am not taking any advance medical course so my answer is basically grounded on the books I've read, online material, newspaper and some discussions. The basic knowledge is that women used right side of the brain more than their left part while men used their left side of the brain rather than the right side.

What are the differences between these two brains? Well, I do know some biological differences and it kind of important in this post but I don't remember the name of some brain parts. So I just proceed with what this two brains do and in other post when I got my book back I will make another entry related to this. As some of you might now, right brain deal with feelings, emotions and most importantly big picture oriented. There are a lot more things that I could describe here but it won't be necessary for this entry. While the left brain that functions on men better than women deal with logics, details oriented and the facts.

Now if we see the details, I know that my answer about the difference in thinking process is not wrong just a little bit inaccurate which will be touch up by you guys with the comments later. If you can see the connections between the women and the game I stated earlier than it is good and something that you can be proud of but if you don't, don't worry. There is no such thing as you are bad or something like that in this post. The connection is women interpret the big picture into details while men combine the details to create a big picture.

Still don't understand?Erm...let say you want to solve a crime case. Right brain dominant will try to get the general idea about what happen at the crime scene before they look at the detail on what's going on at the scene. A bit different on people who are left brain dominant. They will try to deduce what is going on by looking at the details contain at the crime scene. Basically, the right brain try to prove their theory by looking at the facts while the left brain try to deduce a theory after they have look at the facts. I think I'll stop for now and will continue this later. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Advancement of Science and Technology

I just finished reviewing some of the fact in and I relized how fast the world is evoloving. For example, if you browse all the articles contain inside the website, you will encounter many articles about quantum computer. And take note the date the article was published in this website. The fact that scientists are able to advance in such period of time show that we are moving towards the advance future.

I was also fascinated by the fact that a small finding in sciences may bring in big changes to many application industry. For instance, graphene, a new material coming out from the laboratory. Graphene tremble the world of science especially in nanomaterial area because this wonder material, is the thinnest and yet the strongest material in the world. It also conducts electricity 100 times faster than silicon in computer chips. This finding is said to interest many government and non-government company to further their research on this material. This include in replacing the silicon with graphene and produce a more efficient computer chips. However, this has a long way to go.
Here for further reading

When I read about long term memory have something to do with hippocampus, I remembered something during my childhood time. At that time, desktop computer is like alien thing to us (me and my friends) and only be used by rich people and company to do their job. During that time, desktop computer had a very high price but just 5 or 6 years later, the price dropped rapidly and with the existence of laptop, we seldomly think about using desktop as our main computer due to its immobility.

Same thing happen to floppy disk. For those who don't know what floppy disks are, it is the square shape, made up of plastic, usually black in colour and have something on its center (I don't know what was that called). Maybe you don't understand the term floppy disks but if I said to you the term USB drive or pendrive or thumb drive maybe you are familiar with it. Yeah, these drives are the latest advancement on how to store things and bring it anywhere you want, just like floppy disks. But unfortunately, the drives have overcome the floppy disks in terms of storage capacity and interesting appearance and this cause the floppy disks to become obsolete.

I can list many more things that happen in science and technology world but there are two things that prevent me from keep writing. First, this post will be long and boring and second, I want you to search and read for yourself about this. The third fact which I actually don't want to write is I am very sleepy to continue writing this post. So I guess I just stop here and if you have something to add just do so at the comments section.

-What you need to gain knowledge are big will, more effort and a little big of courage. Combine these and you can become a person you'll never know-
-Thinking is the most difficult process to do and that is why so little people try to engage with it and only a few succeed in this process-

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Many time I have asked myself why people are so keen to put me down or to rubbish my ideas
Fortunately, I have been blessed with an answer
Sometimes it can come from jealously,
But more often can come from their own unhappiness,
And may portray negative or bad thoughts,
that they may have about themselves.
Although this may not stop such comments from hurting.
I take comfort in knowledge,
That what people are so keen to say unto me,
They may be really saying unto themselves,
And their words may reflect their own unhappiness.
So, if it is that I can say unto you,
You do not need other people to believe in you,
For you to prosper or succeed.
You need only believe in yourself

Friday, July 10, 2009

Genghis + The Great Wall

From the title, I guess you guys has your opinion view about both things display on the title. For those who don't know, Genghis or famously known as Genghis Khan was the emperor,the ruler and the founder of Mongol Empire. During his life (1162-1227), his empire stretched from Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean. While The Great Wall is the wall made during the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. This wall is said can be seen from the moon. I don't know how true is that but considering the size of this 'object' which is 6400km long I certainly sure that it can be seen from the moon.

The reason why I chose that title is because the genghis and the great wall are 2 books that i read recently....I don't think that you guys like to read this kind of book cause it is so historic and full of fact..Yeah, I know most of us don't like history during our high school, that includes me..but when I feel the wonders of knowledge, I feel like I should read this kind of books. I don't know but sometimes I do use the knowledge inside these books to start a conversation...especially with women..=)

It's hard to just say right? Because you guys wouldn't believe it..Here's example, when you meet a girl, ask her about her roommate or family..notice the expression that she use..I certainly believe that when she feel happy about her family or roommate, she will express it..It's hard for a woman to control their feeling while speaking. This is all happen because of the difference in the structure of the brain between man and woman..And I wouldn't know this if I don't read a book related to this. So, do you or do you don't think that reading is good to gain knowledge? The fact that you are willing to read this post until here means you are eager to know what does this post have...Now, why don't you use that eager to know something into something else? Study perhaps?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Reading As Way to Improve Yourself

In this post, I want to highlight how important reading is. Reading is a cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message (definition from wordweb dictionary). Imagine what you can actually know from a single, simple book. For me, I started to read when I was three years old (read, not talk). When I when to kindergarten at 5, I was able to spell and read many things while my friends at that time couldn't even remember what came after T alphabet.

I remember that during my childhood, I love to read story books, especially about animal, facts and math. When I read a book about animal, it said that tiger is carnivor. They it meat. Tiger has stripes in it's back. It also has sharp claws. It lives in jungles. I think if I had not read that book, I wouldn't able to tell which was the tiger when me and my friends in kindergarten when to zoo together. Also if I don't read, I did not know the answer for who was the creator of telephone..which the answer was Alexander Graham Bell. If I don't read also I can't answer why Japanese people are able to achieve their level now.

I sure that everyone has their own opinion about reading and I'm just one from the everyone. Reading help me to understand human nature the most and because of reading, I am able to stand where I was now. To parents to be, please make sure that your child do read, because reading develop your own way of thinking.

For those who want to start reading, you should find out what type of books interest you. It can be biography, crime, novel, history, science and many more. By finding what you can now proceed to how. Learn how to read correctly, not just read that book until you feel tired or bored. You can learn techniques on how to read in many website on the internet. Then proceed to when. In this process, find the time you feel most comfortable to read and make sure you read everytime the time comes by. For me I read when I bored so when I get bored, I either grab a book or search something on the Internet. You should also find a proper condition for you to read without any disturbance from anywhere.

I guess that's all from me now. I hope some part of me really want to change by doing this. "I change not because I have to, but because I want to". That was some quote that someone give it to me so that you don't feel really down just because you want to change.

If you want to change the world, you should start changing yourself.
The most powerful weapon of all time is human brain.
Read: In the name of thy Lord, who createth. Createth men from a clot. Read: And thy Lord is the most Bounteous. Who teacheth by the pen. Theacheth man that which be knew not.
(Al-Quran, 96:5)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Easy Way of Learning?

I just finished reviewing what's inside the and I found out one article that interest me...the title is "Magnetic Brain Stimulation Improves Skill Learning"....the title itself attract the readers especially a young student like me and of course some parents who want their children to be successful...

I wonder if this method can be used in our country...well if you ask me why I want to use it, it's because by improving young students learning skills, we can avoid many bigger problems that we have right our country, it is common to see the parents sent their child to kindergarten just to improve their children's ability and guarantee their places in the society...

Well the truth is, every parents are different and so do their children's the children grow up, some of them may have difficulty in learning and some of them are not..children with this problem tends to run away from learning process and become a rebellion or delinquent....

From here we can see that if somehow the children's learning difficulty can actually be solved, we can have a lot of benefit :

  1. Relieves their parents headache due to problems created at school.
  2. Bullying, hitting and other crime associated with students will eventually decrease.
  3. Mat Rempit, drug addicts and underage sex will be less likely to interest the students anymore.
  4. Our country will have a lot more wise people that the criminal. Perhaps we can even have geniuses born and be the leading country,
  5. We can have a higher technology from any other country in the world.

I can list many more benefits that we can have if learning difficulty among children can be point here is if we want to change the country we have now, we must start educate young people today properly because they are the future generation and also the future if by diminishing the effect of learning difficulty among children and students may results in a better country and environment, why don't we try it? Not by the magnetic thing but by other method if possible..I think you are old enough to understand what the methods are...I guess until here cause I need to go somewhere else after this..Thanks for reading this long and boring post..

-Melentur Buluh Biarlah Dari Rebungnya-

-If you don't like something, change it. If you can not change it, change the way you think of it-

Monday, July 6, 2009

The First Thought

I have think about this many time.. But today I manage to gather all the courage I have and post up the first entry. Praise to God who give me all the courage and strength. I don't know what should I write in here but I will seldomly post up something about myself. So if you wish to read this blog just to know what I'd done, I'm so sorry cause I have disappoint you guys. Just continue reading and you will know something about myself. I guess that's all for my first entry, and hope you enjoy this very simple site. Thanks for reading.