Saturday, November 27, 2010

Advancement of Technology

It's going to be a hectic week next week cause i got 3 more papers left for my final exam. But that doesn't stop me from knowing things that i like (i think im gonna regret this one). There are so many things for example, about theory of how universe was formed, the search of God Particle, life on Mars, hollow Earth theory and many other things. And among this other things, lie the advancement of technology that i would like to talk about.

You see, in 2005, i remember seeing a 256 mb pendrives. At this particular time, those who had a pendrive with themselves were cool, well, because they had something that not most of us has. But nowadays, what do we see? A 256 mb pendrives are no longer being used. The smallest size out there is 1G in 2008 and now in 2010, i may not be wrong if i said 1G pendrive is almost obsolete. I got one question, tell me what is/are the latest technology in the world that you know of? I believe by the time you finish reading this, there will be another latest technology.

I know it's not your job to know all the latest technology but believe me, if you know it, it's better. For example, HAL-5 technology can help weak/almost paralyzed people move, IBM is trying to develop the smallest processor for supercomputer (sugar cube size) and they believe that this may be possible in 15 years or so, a camera can now be use to take pictures in the corners, and some other things that you can google of. Everyday there will be a news about this new innovation, invention and creation of new technology.

My point here is, yes, it's not your job to know all of them but isn't it neat if you can know things that can be useful to you in future? You can spend a whole hour reading notifications and replying comments on your facebook but why can't you just take 10 or 15 mins per day just to google about the latest invention human ever made in technology? You see, your world, our world is growing fast, too fast that some of us might not be able to keep up (yes, the previous generation). So as current generation, i think it is our job to know what are the latest invention in technology so that when future generation comes, we can still keep up with their technology.

The world is growing fast, and again i hope you can spend some time everyday just to search and find out what is/are the latest news on technology industry. Read does not hurt you, but you may hurt yourself if you don't read. Take my advice people, know things around you. Now i'm off to study for my finals. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stupid Time

Lately my mood to study has been deteriorated. I don't know the exact reason but somehow i think there's emptiness inside of me. Though i did a lot of things but somehow it didn't fill the emptiness that i have. So i think about the time, the time when i didn't think about anything, instead, just do the things.

If i remember it correctly, in primary school i didn't have to do anything. I simply just do it. There's this one time where i jumped from the first floor of my house to the ground. Yeah, my leg pained and i couldn't move for a few hours (hey, few hours is a lot of time for kids). But the fun, the joy of being able to jump from first floor to the ground was awesome. It's around this age also i decided to learn how to do a back flip and on one particular day, my head was in the water straight to the sand beneath it. But thanks to that, today i'm able to do back flip without problems.

In secondary school, hurm..not so much fun as in primary school. I still can jump from the first floor to the ground and do a back flip though. But during this time my fun was more concentrated on people. Hid my friend's shoe, sleeping throughout the class, not being bullied by seniors, hell my secondary school was fun. The only downside was it is a boarding school. So, everything you did, sooner or later the teachers will find out and you'll receive a punishment. But there's this one time i went up to "tangki air" with the sole intention to watch the sunrise, but then a lot of girls from my batch arrived later, having no other choice, i hid under the tank and had to listen to all those girly talks. And yet, they asked me how do i know some stuff that i shouldn't supposed to know. Boy, that was fun.

As i grow up, in university, i tend to think more than the action i took. So one day, well not one day, a lot of day i've been thinking of doing some stupid things that i did when i was a boy. I did end up doing some stupid things but the fun is not the same. As you become older, your choices of entertainments are limited. And i think as a teenager in Malaysia, bowling, movies or ice-skating seems to be the top choices. Me, I prefer jumping across vein to vein like tarzan, going to an adventure like robin hood, playing with knife, swords and arrows, but they don't have that kind of things here. Well, life sucks sometimes. So i just need to deal with it and hopefully, a greater benefit awaits me at the end.

p/s: I enjoy doing stupid things with my friends every now and then, and it was so stupid and i can't share it with you guys because of its stupidity. Anyway, thank you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Well, everyone in Malaysia knows that today is holiday because of Hari Raya for Muslims.

And here i just want to say Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all of you.

After this I'll join my friends and we're gonna have another "Korban" which instead of cows we change it to chicken. Yeah. I know. But anyway, have fun today is just make sure, for every things that you do, you need to sacrifice something, either u're aware of it or not. That's all for today.


Monday, November 15, 2010

News Today

Today is November 16. And it has been so long since I post anything about our science world. Well, today I'm gonna tell u some of the biggest news that not everyone knows, but it's good to know. Lets see.

1. IBM labs in Zurich stated that a supercomputer processor can be shrink down to a sugar cube size in the next 10 or 15 years. By lowering the size, it is energy efficient and cheaper than the current processor. Dr Bruno Micheal, together with his team create a prototype to demonstrate water-cooling principle that can be use to reduce the side effect of any devices, heat. Personally i think the faster the computer can be, more calculations can be carried out in we can advance more than what we have right now.

2. Youngest nearby black hole has been found by NASA. This black hole is estimated to be 30 years old and is a remnant of SN 1979C, a supernova in galaxy M100 approximately 50million light years from earth. By discovering this, understanding the black hole is believed to become easier. For example, theory suggest that the black hole form when a star collapsed and gamma ray burst will not be produced and by discovering this black hole, scientists believe that it's gonna support that theory.

3. Maxwell's Demon Experiment break and violated the second law of thermodynamics. The thought experiment was first proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 and physicist in Japan proved this in 2010. The idea was to separate the gas molecule according to their entropy in a close system, thus reducing the entropy of overall system. Second law of thermodynamics said that entropy in a close system should not reduced. You can read about the experiment here

I think that's the top 3 most interesting news that i read today. There are also some other things about plant and biochemistry but lets just say that i'm not interested to that right now. Anyway, if you want to read news about science, you can click here.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Everytime, when u came across an awesome idea, u should write it down because u see, it comes and then goes away. It is possible that u may lose the awesome idea if u don't write it down. Anyway, that is what the inventor that came to utp 3 years ago said. So, today i'm gonna tell u some ideas that i think is possible to achieve.


As the name suggest, this is the thing that i needed in order to fly. The idea was to create and uplifting force that is greater than the gravitational pull of ourselves plus the jetpack itself. The downward acceleration is generally 9.81 meter per second squared. So if we over come this but in opposite direction, i think it's possible for us to fly. Plus, we can use this to travel through vacuum instead of just floating around.


Yeah, as the name suggest, it's a robot. But it's not the same as in the GUNDAM series. Since i was too obsessed to fly, i will just create a device which we can carry like a bag pack and produce an upward force. So, i think by using the rotary engine (it's efficient and less fuel consumption), amplify the power, channel it to a downward direction so that it produce a thrust upwards. So far i think this is far more achievable rather than the first one. But who knows?


Some may said that iron man is impossible to achieve but i believe it is possible. By using the Human Assisted Limb 5 (HAL-5) technology from japan, i think it is possible for us to create it. HAL-5 so far is used to help old people or people with weak muscle to move heavy things. It is believe to enable you to lift 50kg of rice bag without breaking a sweat at all. The problem with this is US and ISRAEL have already extend the research of this thing in order to create super soldier.


EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse. Yeah, this thing is very dangerous to electronic devices. Once an electronic device is exposed to this pulse, it can no longer be used. I have yet able to figure out a way in order to make it handheld size. Because u see, the current emp devices need a large space, that is why it is only available in lab, not in public. But i think the one that is showed in english series CHUCK is also okay. But, who knows?


I don't really sure on how do i create genetic mutation but i do hope one day i will. This has a few advantages that i know though, for example it may hold the key to curing cancer, plus we can make our own body taller, shorter, bigger, handsome and all that. But i would like to use it so that i am able to increase the level of intelligence of human being. By doing this, we may be able to understand a lot more things that we don't know now. I think i need to take something that is related to this thing first, before i can think of how to use one.

Anyway, every invention has its own advantages and disadvantages. It only depends on us, human as how we use it. By far, whatever i want to create is in order to satisfy my own needs. but who knows, one might use it for bad purpose. It's the same as Einstein. He didn't create E=MC2 in order to come out with atomic bomb and yet, the use is there. So, whatever it is please hold to this "Do not blame the pistols, blame the one who pulled the trigger"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Boring Post

Today is boring.

No class. No lecture.

First paper is 11/25/2010

I hate boring, normal and dull things.

Frankly i hate today because it's sucks and boring.

So i need someone to turn this glass and let me out of this boredom.

But still, i don't want someone who's normal and boring

And that describe most of you readers.

Believe me, u r normal people.

Well, maybe i'll just wait.

For another u.