Saturday, November 27, 2010

Advancement of Technology

It's going to be a hectic week next week cause i got 3 more papers left for my final exam. But that doesn't stop me from knowing things that i like (i think im gonna regret this one). There are so many things for example, about theory of how universe was formed, the search of God Particle, life on Mars, hollow Earth theory and many other things. And among this other things, lie the advancement of technology that i would like to talk about.

You see, in 2005, i remember seeing a 256 mb pendrives. At this particular time, those who had a pendrive with themselves were cool, well, because they had something that not most of us has. But nowadays, what do we see? A 256 mb pendrives are no longer being used. The smallest size out there is 1G in 2008 and now in 2010, i may not be wrong if i said 1G pendrive is almost obsolete. I got one question, tell me what is/are the latest technology in the world that you know of? I believe by the time you finish reading this, there will be another latest technology.

I know it's not your job to know all the latest technology but believe me, if you know it, it's better. For example, HAL-5 technology can help weak/almost paralyzed people move, IBM is trying to develop the smallest processor for supercomputer (sugar cube size) and they believe that this may be possible in 15 years or so, a camera can now be use to take pictures in the corners, and some other things that you can google of. Everyday there will be a news about this new innovation, invention and creation of new technology.

My point here is, yes, it's not your job to know all of them but isn't it neat if you can know things that can be useful to you in future? You can spend a whole hour reading notifications and replying comments on your facebook but why can't you just take 10 or 15 mins per day just to google about the latest invention human ever made in technology? You see, your world, our world is growing fast, too fast that some of us might not be able to keep up (yes, the previous generation). So as current generation, i think it is our job to know what are the latest invention in technology so that when future generation comes, we can still keep up with their technology.

The world is growing fast, and again i hope you can spend some time everyday just to search and find out what is/are the latest news on technology industry. Read does not hurt you, but you may hurt yourself if you don't read. Take my advice people, know things around you. Now i'm off to study for my finals. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stupid Time

Lately my mood to study has been deteriorated. I don't know the exact reason but somehow i think there's emptiness inside of me. Though i did a lot of things but somehow it didn't fill the emptiness that i have. So i think about the time, the time when i didn't think about anything, instead, just do the things.

If i remember it correctly, in primary school i didn't have to do anything. I simply just do it. There's this one time where i jumped from the first floor of my house to the ground. Yeah, my leg pained and i couldn't move for a few hours (hey, few hours is a lot of time for kids). But the fun, the joy of being able to jump from first floor to the ground was awesome. It's around this age also i decided to learn how to do a back flip and on one particular day, my head was in the water straight to the sand beneath it. But thanks to that, today i'm able to do back flip without problems.

In secondary school, hurm..not so much fun as in primary school. I still can jump from the first floor to the ground and do a back flip though. But during this time my fun was more concentrated on people. Hid my friend's shoe, sleeping throughout the class, not being bullied by seniors, hell my secondary school was fun. The only downside was it is a boarding school. So, everything you did, sooner or later the teachers will find out and you'll receive a punishment. But there's this one time i went up to "tangki air" with the sole intention to watch the sunrise, but then a lot of girls from my batch arrived later, having no other choice, i hid under the tank and had to listen to all those girly talks. And yet, they asked me how do i know some stuff that i shouldn't supposed to know. Boy, that was fun.

As i grow up, in university, i tend to think more than the action i took. So one day, well not one day, a lot of day i've been thinking of doing some stupid things that i did when i was a boy. I did end up doing some stupid things but the fun is not the same. As you become older, your choices of entertainments are limited. And i think as a teenager in Malaysia, bowling, movies or ice-skating seems to be the top choices. Me, I prefer jumping across vein to vein like tarzan, going to an adventure like robin hood, playing with knife, swords and arrows, but they don't have that kind of things here. Well, life sucks sometimes. So i just need to deal with it and hopefully, a greater benefit awaits me at the end.

p/s: I enjoy doing stupid things with my friends every now and then, and it was so stupid and i can't share it with you guys because of its stupidity. Anyway, thank you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Well, everyone in Malaysia knows that today is holiday because of Hari Raya for Muslims.

And here i just want to say Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all of you.

After this I'll join my friends and we're gonna have another "Korban" which instead of cows we change it to chicken. Yeah. I know. But anyway, have fun today is just make sure, for every things that you do, you need to sacrifice something, either u're aware of it or not. That's all for today.


Monday, November 15, 2010

News Today

Today is November 16. And it has been so long since I post anything about our science world. Well, today I'm gonna tell u some of the biggest news that not everyone knows, but it's good to know. Lets see.

1. IBM labs in Zurich stated that a supercomputer processor can be shrink down to a sugar cube size in the next 10 or 15 years. By lowering the size, it is energy efficient and cheaper than the current processor. Dr Bruno Micheal, together with his team create a prototype to demonstrate water-cooling principle that can be use to reduce the side effect of any devices, heat. Personally i think the faster the computer can be, more calculations can be carried out in we can advance more than what we have right now.

2. Youngest nearby black hole has been found by NASA. This black hole is estimated to be 30 years old and is a remnant of SN 1979C, a supernova in galaxy M100 approximately 50million light years from earth. By discovering this, understanding the black hole is believed to become easier. For example, theory suggest that the black hole form when a star collapsed and gamma ray burst will not be produced and by discovering this black hole, scientists believe that it's gonna support that theory.

3. Maxwell's Demon Experiment break and violated the second law of thermodynamics. The thought experiment was first proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 and physicist in Japan proved this in 2010. The idea was to separate the gas molecule according to their entropy in a close system, thus reducing the entropy of overall system. Second law of thermodynamics said that entropy in a close system should not reduced. You can read about the experiment here

I think that's the top 3 most interesting news that i read today. There are also some other things about plant and biochemistry but lets just say that i'm not interested to that right now. Anyway, if you want to read news about science, you can click here.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Everytime, when u came across an awesome idea, u should write it down because u see, it comes and then goes away. It is possible that u may lose the awesome idea if u don't write it down. Anyway, that is what the inventor that came to utp 3 years ago said. So, today i'm gonna tell u some ideas that i think is possible to achieve.


As the name suggest, this is the thing that i needed in order to fly. The idea was to create and uplifting force that is greater than the gravitational pull of ourselves plus the jetpack itself. The downward acceleration is generally 9.81 meter per second squared. So if we over come this but in opposite direction, i think it's possible for us to fly. Plus, we can use this to travel through vacuum instead of just floating around.


Yeah, as the name suggest, it's a robot. But it's not the same as in the GUNDAM series. Since i was too obsessed to fly, i will just create a device which we can carry like a bag pack and produce an upward force. So, i think by using the rotary engine (it's efficient and less fuel consumption), amplify the power, channel it to a downward direction so that it produce a thrust upwards. So far i think this is far more achievable rather than the first one. But who knows?


Some may said that iron man is impossible to achieve but i believe it is possible. By using the Human Assisted Limb 5 (HAL-5) technology from japan, i think it is possible for us to create it. HAL-5 so far is used to help old people or people with weak muscle to move heavy things. It is believe to enable you to lift 50kg of rice bag without breaking a sweat at all. The problem with this is US and ISRAEL have already extend the research of this thing in order to create super soldier.


EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse. Yeah, this thing is very dangerous to electronic devices. Once an electronic device is exposed to this pulse, it can no longer be used. I have yet able to figure out a way in order to make it handheld size. Because u see, the current emp devices need a large space, that is why it is only available in lab, not in public. But i think the one that is showed in english series CHUCK is also okay. But, who knows?


I don't really sure on how do i create genetic mutation but i do hope one day i will. This has a few advantages that i know though, for example it may hold the key to curing cancer, plus we can make our own body taller, shorter, bigger, handsome and all that. But i would like to use it so that i am able to increase the level of intelligence of human being. By doing this, we may be able to understand a lot more things that we don't know now. I think i need to take something that is related to this thing first, before i can think of how to use one.

Anyway, every invention has its own advantages and disadvantages. It only depends on us, human as how we use it. By far, whatever i want to create is in order to satisfy my own needs. but who knows, one might use it for bad purpose. It's the same as Einstein. He didn't create E=MC2 in order to come out with atomic bomb and yet, the use is there. So, whatever it is please hold to this "Do not blame the pistols, blame the one who pulled the trigger"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Boring Post

Today is boring.

No class. No lecture.

First paper is 11/25/2010

I hate boring, normal and dull things.

Frankly i hate today because it's sucks and boring.

So i need someone to turn this glass and let me out of this boredom.

But still, i don't want someone who's normal and boring

And that describe most of you readers.

Believe me, u r normal people.

Well, maybe i'll just wait.

For another u.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Very interesting findings of Dr. Tariq Al Swaidan might grasp your attention:

Dr.Tariq l Swaidan discovered some verses in the Holy Qur'an
That mention one thing is equal to another,
i..e. men are equal to women.

Although this makes sense grammatically,
the astonishing fact is that the number of times the word man appears in the Holy Qur'an
is 24 and number of times the word woman appears is also 24,
therefore not only is this phrase correct in

the grammatical sense but also true mathematically,
I..e. 24 = 24.
Upon further analysis of various verses,
he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole
Holy Qur'an where it says one thing is like another.

See below for astonishing result of
the words mentioned number of times in Arabic
Holy Qur'an

Dunia (one name for life)
Aakhirat (one name for the life After this world) 115

Malaika (Angels)
88 .Shayteen (Satan) 88

145 ...... Death 145

50 .. Corrupt 50

50 ... Messengers 50

Eblees (king of devils) 11 . Seek refuge from Eblees 11

Museebah (calamity)
75 .. Thanks 75

Spending (Sadaqah)
73 .. Satisfaction 73

People who are mislead
17 .. Dead people 17

41 .. Jihad 41

8 .. Easy life 8
Magic 60.. Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60

Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 .......

Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth)

49 .. Noor 49

25 .. Sermon 25

8 .. Fear 8

Speaking publicly
18 .. Publicising 18

114 ..... Patience 114

4 .. Sharee'ah

Muhammed's teachings 4

24. Woman 24

And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following words appear:

5, Month 12, Day 365,

32, Land 13

Sea + land =

+ 13= 45

Sea = 32/45*100q.= 71.11111111%
Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%
Sea + land 100.00%

Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers
71..111% of the earth, while the land covers 28..889%.
Is this a coincidence? Question is that

Who taught Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) all this?
Reply automatically comes in mind that
ALMIGHTY ALLAH taught him.

This as the Holy Qur'an also tells us this.

please pass this on to all your friends
Aayah 87 of Suraa (Chapter) Al-Anbia
Para 17:

During the next 60 seconds, stop whatever you are doing,
and take this opportunity.
(Literally, it is only 1 minute).

Sunday, October 24, 2010



Last few days, my friend asked me, why did i put "change is never good" as my status and i realized that the answer i gave her may not be the correct one. So, i think i will list down all the things that change may affect.

First of all, say you are a very bad person who has done a lot of awful stuff and you want to change. Kind of like Earl, the character in My Name is Earl. Well, he sure did a lot of awful stuff and feels bad about it, but imagine yourself in this character, do you want to change? Does all the stuff he did in order to change is necessary? Honestly, yes, i may have change from my previous self and right now i have a little regret with my changes.

Before i changed, i was a very talkative, annoying little bastard. I don't think too much and for whatever consequences that comes due to my action, i never care. For example, I jumped from the first floor of my school building just to show that i can. i also took my friend's inhaler for asthma and ran to the other side of the building while my asthmatic friend chased after me. You see, he might die and yet i don't care. Simply put, people feels very annoyed when i open my mouth to talk or doing something with my body part.

But now, after i changed, i'm no more a smooth talker, rather quiet person. I think too much about something and end up didn't do anything because i was afraid of the consequences. I never try anything new since i think too much and now i think that i can't do anything anymore. Yes, people don't feel annoyed anymore and they seems to regard me as normal person. It's true that without the changes, i will never be here and my grades will not be as sucks as it actually is but then i asked myself, what's the point of having good grades? Many of us dreams of being rich and that's why they're where they are with ultimate goal; to get good job with good salary.

So if for example i did not change into what i am right now, i will still become some annoying bastard. But hey, i'm a smooth talker, and i enjoy life more than i am right now. I mean, hanging out with friends, talking, and not worrying about jobs, marriage, money or anything seems to be an awesome life. But since i already changed into what i am right now, i better live with it. I'm not gonna try to change my life back but sometimes, it's fun to think about the good'ol days. Anyway, too me, change got its own pro and cons. You just need to keep the con's while acting out the pros. Whatever.

Anyway, that's all from me for today. and i do hope blogging will be a way for me to reach out my feelings towards life. That's all. thank you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Sleep Cycle


Today i'm going to tell all of you about the sleep cycle. I bet not many of you know about sleep cycle despite doing it's act every time you fall asleep. You spent 30% of your life in order to sleep and i think it's important for you to know the sleep cycle. If not, why do you spend 6-8 hours a day to sleep, right?

Alright. Sleep cycle consists of two parts, first is the non-rapid eye movement or simply NREM stage and next is rapid eye movement or REM stage. The NREM stage is further divided into four sub-stages which we called, stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3. During the early days, scientist believed that there are actually 4 stages, but in modern days, stage 3 and stage 4 is combined. That's how we got only 3 stages. The cycle begins the moment you fall asleep.


this is the first stage. If someone falls into this stage, they will loose awareness of the surrounding but also felt as he/she actually never falls asleep. This is the stage if you see your friends sleep in class while the lecturer is teaching. The trademark of this stage is the hypnic jerk. People experience the hypnic jerk will tell you that they have the sensation of falling/being shot, anything that cause them to die or hurt very bad. After spending 5 to 15 minutes in this stage, we will now move in stage 2.


During this stage, the alpha wave is replaced by the theta waves. If you monitor the sleep under the electroencephalogram, you will see "sleep spindles" and "K-complexes" signature. Basically these 2 things act as guardian to you. They will monitor the stimuli that we have while we are sleeping. If, the stimuli is consider dangerous, these two things will send a signal to your brain and you will suddenly wake up. For example, if you usually sleep with the light off, if you are in stage 2 and someone switch the light on, you will immediately wake up because it is categorized as dangerous.


During this stage, the theta waves is replaced by delta waves, which indicates that the body is ready to enter stage deep sleep stage. Delta waves is a slow wave movement and that is also why this stage is sometimes refer to as slow wave sleep. During this stage, the body will totally become unaware of to what is happening on the surrounding. And if the body is forced to wake up during this stage, you will notice that the person will become very grumpy, mumbles a little bit and then continue with his/her sleep. So beware if you try to wake someone during this stage, you might consider bring some back up. XD

REM Stage.

After about an hour in NREM stage, the body will enter REM stage. During this stage, the delta wave is replaced back by the alpha wave. As I mentioned, alpha wave is the wave that occurs when your brain is active. That is why during this stage, most people will remember their dreams, which scientists believe as a result that occurs because your brain tries to sort all the information that we had during the day. REM stage occurs around 30 minutes for the first sleep cycle and continue to increase in time throughout the whole sleeping process.

The total time taken for one complete cycle to occurs is around one and a half hour. So in 6-8 hours sleep will have around 4 to 5 cycles. The cycle is also affected by the circadian rhythm, our activity during the day, eating habit and some other factor. And the cycles vary from one person and another but the one i mention here is the usual thing that happen. I do hope you manage your sleep well as good and fresh start in the morning helps you to get into the mood. That's all, thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oxford Young Leadership Course

Yesterday, an event organized by Oxford Center for Leadership took place at Heritage Hotel, Ipoh. And i, who was given the opportunity to come, came in order to see the difference between this course and the other leadership courses that i attended. And below is the comment, honest comment from me about this program.


The speaker was awesome, but i think the allocation of time was not enough for some speakers. So in the end the speaker need to squeeze or compress everything that he/she need to say in one single slide which for me is not very good. The presentation was good but if we slip in a little activity and question and answer session, it would be better. The slide content should be minimize because too much words on the slide makes me a little fuzzy, but that maybe because i actually need a spectacles. In scale from 1 to 5, my rating is 4.2.


If you enter the hall, yes it was beautiful. But the arrangement is not quite right. The chairs were arranged so that it will face the speaker but since the speaker's content was on the slide, so we need to look at the slide as well. If the arrangement somehow include the speaker and the slide, it would have been better. The hall is big but you used like half the overall area. Please maximize the usage of the hall. You pay for the hall and might as well use every square inch of the area. In scale from 1 to 5, my rating is 3.8.


This one got a little bit of problem. You see, suppose the mic doesn't work, immediately change it with another one, don't let the person who use the mic do the testing check. It's inappropriate. Then there is this strange voice coming i don't know from where, but please check because it's a distraction. How you manage the mic whether it's sensitive or not is also important. Some speaker like to hold their mic while some just love standing there. Just look at the situation and adjust the mic properly. I give 2.7 for this particular category.


This is awesome. I'm not gonna talk much as by far this is the most satisfying service that i got when i was here. My rating is 4.9. (Less 0.1 because the tea and the coffee is very hot and you don't provide ice cube or plain water.)


For me, this is also important because for first time comer, they will need you to show and efficient work, so that the standard of this program will rise even more. Some improvement that can be made, first is by using a computerize data to register who's coming and who's not. The person will just come and say his/her name and you will type "yes" or "attend" or something like that. Then you could tell where they should go instead of just scattered in front of the registration counter. Provide categories in the registration so that it would be simpler and easier to manage. This part will only be 3.6 for me.

I think that's the four categories that need comment for this event. As i said, my view may not be the same as yours. So everything is depends on how you view it. But i hope that a change is made so that the event will be more successful in the future.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is it me?

Hi. Its been a long time since I last updated this blog. Got busy with things and stuff. I tried to post or forward something that i read every now and then but then i figured that that thing is not my genuine idea. So as for my come back, i'm gonna write something that come entirely from me.

Well, everyone knows i'm not a normal friend that you can found everyday. I'm abnormal. I mock almost everything and i give the truth over everything, although most of the time the truth hurts. But i don't care. For me, if your own friend does not being honest with you, then who would?

But then it occurs to me that I talk lesser than the old me, I tend to keep my mouth shut. I'm incapable of throwing any ideas. And the thing that upset me the most is some of my friends whom I always talk or chat with, suddenly doesn't reply me. And i kept thinking, what have i done wrong?
What are the truth that they hide from me? am i some kind of disease that they need to get away from? Well, only they know the answer.

Today, its been about 3 weeks in which they haven't reply any of my messages or buzz. And the truth is, i don't really care although sometimes i feel a bit lonely because i don't have someone to talk with. and i really started to think, if this is how a friend does, then i am better if i'm on my own. Because friends upset you. And i hate being upset.

Just to let you guys know, i'm not the old me anymore. and if the changes make you feel different about me, then i'll change myself to the old me once more. Only those who knows me both before and after i changed know what I am capable of.

That's my story basically after a few weeks without any post. Thanks for reading, friends!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Your Braces

*This post is a bit emotional

It's been a while. I'm busy with test, raya and everything. So don't expect me to write much for the following week. But today's entry is something that annoyed me so much.

At first I thought people wear it because of medical reason, but as time marches on, I think that braces is a trend. Why ? Because your teeth is perfect and yet you still go through a painful phase just to wear a braces and look beautiful. And I hate that.

Yes, I don't know the real reason why you put the braces on. And I'm sorry because of that. But it turned yourself from being extraordinary (cause you aren't like other people) into something normal (you are like other people). Just so you know, beauty is mortal.

My point here is not because of the braces, although I blame the braces because it changed you. It is the fact that you change from extraordinary to normal that annoys me so much. I don't know whether or not the changes will bring any good to you but it certainly make you less interesting. And I don't want that.

I do hope that you will not read this post as it shows how much I hate you right now. And I hope that in the future my hatred towards you has gone. Believe me, I don't want to hate anybody. Especially you.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Thirst For Knowledge

You see, many of us, are studying for the sake of the exam. Yeah, don't lie to me. I'll know. But have you ever think about the knowledge that you possessed? Or about the knowledge that you don't? Have you ever wonder about the magnificent of the knowledge itself? And the answer is of course no, not, nope whatever that disagree with the question i posed earlier. I get it, you only study to get a good exam result, then get a good job, get married and die leaving a tons of fortune for your kids. Well, it's a typical thinking, and even I think like that sometimes. But most of the time I keep thinking, is that it? I mean, is that all? Our whole life, just to get a good job, married and die?

I spent a few years searching for the answer and I have yet reach the final conclusion. But you see, most of the time, my years of searching the answer led me to learn a few new things. And what if for example, we got a mission to complete? You know, like the one in the game that you have. Starcraft II, Crysis Warhead, Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Super Mario, Counter Strike and many other cool games got its own mission. So my question is, what if, you entered a mission of your own? I know for muslims, you will say that your mission is that you want to get to heaven. But did you really doing things that can complete your mission? Really ?

Come to think of it, i do have my own mission. The first one is to master all the basic knowledge that we have. Like i said, all and basic. That's why i learned so many stuff although it's not related with mine. Biology, chemistry, physics, geology, medicine and language are some of the basic stuff that I need to master. Nowadays, the education system only allows us to take one stuff at one time. If you go to engineering, you'll have to give up medicine. Why? Why do we need to do that? Why can't we just take engineering and medicine at the same time? Are you saying it's impossible? Well, I say no! It's possible. It's just you who does not give us the opportunity to take both at the same time. And for that my friend, is what i regret the most.

Yeah, call me a freak or whatever, but yes, I want to master all the basic things. I don't want to go see a doctor and here some alien terms that he'll throw out to me. And who knows? Maybe the doctor lied. Maybe he just want more money. It's the same as lawyers. He keep rambling all the laws that we have and if we don't know anything about laws, who knows if he just making that laws up for their own purposes? You go to Low Yat Plaza and want to buy something, a laptop for example. The chinese man keep telling you this is good, this is best and if you don't know a slightest thing about laptop, how will you know that it's good or not? Grow up people!

Learn! Go search for knowledge! Don't just sit there and accept everything. Not everything is true. And not everything showed to you is correct. By not having the knowledge, you are just like a monkey that only recognized banana as food, not as tool to get other food. Yeah, correct. A monkey!

p/s: I got a bit emotional cause people nowadays don't understand the knowledge. They simply learn the stuff because it's what've been offered to them and they think that it's enough for them to get a job and a career.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seeing The Unseen


It's been a long time since I wrote something of my own. Right now I'm still in the middle of collecting data so that I can post an accurate perception, although, there is no correct perception. But anyway, I don't think this is gonna be a long post, so just relax and enjoy.

Now, some of us might know that to see the subsurface, which means what is under the ground or the water bed. We will use a method of acquiring data that we called seismic. This is a method of using the sound wave to penetrate deep enough to the earth crust to know what the geology is. If you don't understand anything about seismic, you can google it. There's a lot of pages that cover the basic meaning of seismic.

From that piece of data we had on seismic, we can interpret it so that we understand how does the subsurface world looks like. If we're lucky, maybe we can find some oil or water or maybe even precious fossils that worth millions of dollars. You see, the idea of seeing something hidden is to bombard some energy, get the feedback and you can interpret it. Let us see what happen if we applied this 3 basic things into interpreting human being.

The energy is bombarded through communication, we get the feedback just by watching their body language, tone of the voices, how he/she stressed some key points and many more. From these sort of things, you can use it to interpret the underlying problem but of course, once you interpreted it, you may have to ask the person whether or not it's true. Well, we might be wrong in our interpretation, so.. asking is the best way to know. But think before you ask.

You see, through this method, we can easily predict someone's habit, gesture and attitude. I tell you this because, most of the people hide their scar. They don't want it to resurface again. For me, I am doing this so that I can remove the scar. If it is removed, then there will be no problem of it resurface again. But how do you know what kind of scar does he/she have? By doing the 3 things I told you earlier. There has been many books that introduce us to how to read body languages and believe me, it is worth to learn this.

I think my point here is, if you want to see what's inside that person's head, you can do that by communicate and get the feedback from the person. I don't know about you, but for me, reading other's mind is basically science. Read more know more and learn more. Only by doing this you can achieve what others can't.

That's all from me. Thank you.

.....and Humor

With the right attitude and a touch of humor you can do what Mal Hancock did. Mal took the proverbial lemon of a paralyzing fall and turned that tragedy into real-life lemonade. Mal was in high school, facing a promising career in athletics, when a fall paralyzed him from the waist down. He endured some heartbreaking days trying to make the mental and physical adjustments.

There are no guarantee, as Mal Hancock learned, that life will be a bed of roses. On the contrary, you can count on facing some very strange events, but if you learn to face the unexpected with humor and optimism, you too can come out on top. While in the hospital, Mal began to draw the scenes around him. Rather that complain about the nurse waking him at 8 am for a sleeping pill, he drew a cartoon about it that made the point with a laugh. Soon all the nurses in the hospital were coming by to see what Mal had chosen to draw.

It wasn't long before he had sold one of those cartoons to a magazine. That single sale launched him into successful career as a cartoonist. Today Mal Hancock's name can be read on cartoons in the Saturday Evening Post and T.V Guide. Incidentally, his first book was called - you guessed it - Hospital Humor.

Mal learned a lesson which can be important to all of us. Even when you can't do anything about a situation (such as being paralyzed) , you can do a lot about your attitude toward the situation.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

......and Criticism

Davy Crockett had a simple motto; "Make sure you are right, then go ahead." Every one of us, like every successful person you will ever meet, faces moments of criticism. No matter what your career involvement, the more successful you become, the more criticism you will receive. Only those who don't attempt anything remain forever above criticism.

Being criticized is not a problem if you develop a positive way of dealing with it. Winston Churchill had framed on the wall of his office the following words of Abe Lincoln: "I do the very best I can, I mean to keep going. If the end brings me out all right, then what is said against me won't matter. If I'm wrong, ten angels swearing I was right won't make a difference." Churchill received much criticism in his lifetime and Abe Lincoln was roundly criticized in his day, just as most of our public figures are today. It takes a person of great courage to forge ahead and do what he honestly believes to be right when critics are howling against him.

Remember that all water in the world won't sink your boat if it doesn't get inside. Rise above it. Make certain you are right, and then stand by your convinctions. If you do, I'll see you at the top!

*Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against - not with - the wind*

**Happiness is not a station at which you arrive, but a manner of traveling.**

.......and Inferiority

There are moments in all our lives when we feel below par and have brief moments of doubts. As a matter of fact, the late Dr. Maxwell Maltz has written, "At least ninety-five percent of the people in the world feel inferior." The reason so may people feel inferior about their own lives, looks, skills, and abilities is because we spend too much time comparing ourselves with heroes and heroines from the make believe world of television.

Every teenage girl feels she must rate at least a "10" or she will not be acceptable to her classmates.

Every teenage boy feels that he must be a combination of Tom Selleck and Joe Theismann rolled into one.

Every father feels that he must be a super success in business before he is acceptable as a father.

Our problem is that we make the mistake of comparing ourselves with other people. You are you and you don't have to measure up to any other person. You are not inferior or superior to any human being. The creator has created each and every one of us with a touch of uniqueness and originality. You do not determine your success by comparing yourself to others, rather you determine your success by comparing your accomplishments to your capabilities. You are number one when you do the best you can with what you have every day.

*Why is it we judge ourselves by our ideals and others by their acts?*

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mengapa Palestin???

Tanah Rahmat

Bagi kedua-dua pihak Islam dan Yahudi, tanah yang didiami oleh Palestin dan Israel sekarang merupakan tanah yang istimewa, yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah sejak ribuan tahun lampau. Bagi umat Islam, di tanah inilah terbinanya Masjidil Aqsa, iaitu masjid ketiga paling mulia di dunia ini, setelah Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi. Bagi penganut Yahudi pula, tanah tersebut merupakan 'Tanah Yang Dijanjikan Tuhan'kepada mereka. Di situlah nenek moyang mereka berasal (Bani Israel), dan di situlah kampung halaman mereka. Mereka percaya, di tanah itulah terletaknya Bukit Zion, dan situlah tertanamnya Temple of Solomon, iaitu kuil suci mereka. Atas kedua-dua sebab inilah, tanah tersebut menjadi rebutan antara Muslim dan Yahudi sejak dari dahulu, hinggalah membawa kepada pertumpahan darah sekarang.

Bagaimana dengan Kristian pula? Kristian juga, menganggap tanah tersebut sebagai tanah suci. Di Temple of Nazareth, yang terletak di tanah tersebut, merupakan tempat kelahiran Nabi Isa. Di tanah itulah Nabi Isa menyampaikan ajarannya, dan di tanah itu jugalah Nabi Isa disalib (mengikut kepercayaan kristian).


Sebenarnya sejarah bani Israel wujud sedari zaman Nabi Ibrahim lagi. Namun, kita susuri sedari kependudukan Bani Israel itu di Mesir, sepertimana yang diutuskan Nabi Musa a.s kepada mereka. Kita tahu melalui al-Quran, bahawa Firaun dan tenteranya mengejar Nabi Musa dan kaumnya sehingga ke Laut Merah, di mana ketika itu Nabi Musa menggunakan mukjizatnya membelah dan menyeberangi lautan tersebut. Setelah itulah Nabi Musa dan kaumnya Bani Israel mendiami tanah Palestin tersebut. Kita boleh baca sendiri dalam al-Quran, betapa kaum ini semakin lama semakin besar kepala, meminta yang pelbagai daripada Nabi Musa dan sebagainya. Kita juga boleh lihat kisah Talut dan Jalut yang berlaku setelah kewafatan Nabi Musa, sebagaimana yang diceritakan dalam al-Quran melalui surah al-Baqarah.

Setelah Talut menawan kembali tanah Palestin daripada kekuasaan Jalut, tampuk pemerintahan Palestin disambung pula oleh Nabi Daud. Seterusnya disambung oleh Nabi Sulaiman, dengan bala tenteranya dan kegemilangan kerajaannya (termasuk haiwan, jin dan angin). Palestin dimiliki oleh Bani Israel, sehinggalah lebih kurang 60 tahun sebelum kelahiran Nabi Isa. Pada tempoh ini, kerajaan Rom menekan kependudukan Bani Israel di tanah Palestin tersebut, sehinggalah akhirnya tanah Palestin dijarah oleh tentera Rom dan kaum Bani Israel diusir keluar lalu tersebarlah kaum Bani Israel, atau dikenali sekarang sebagai Yahudi, ke serata dunia. Sejak itu, tanah Palestin menjadi milik kerajaan Rom. Sehinggalah setelah kelahiran Nabi Isa, seterusnya kewujudan agama Kristian. Lebih kurang pada tahun 300 Masihi, kerajaan Rom di bawah pemerintahan Raja Constantine yang menjadikan Constantinople sebagai pusat pemerintahan, mengalami Kristianisasi. Sejak dari tempoh tersebut, kerajaan Rom menguasai Palestin.


Palestin kekal di bawah milik kerajaan Rom sehinggalah kelahiran Nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w. Setelah Rasulullah berjaya menubuhkan empayar Islam, beliau wafat pada 632 Masihi. Empayar Islam semakin berkembang dan Palestin berjaya ditawan dari kerajaan Rom pada tahun 638 Masihi. Maka sedari itulah Palestin menjadi milik Islam, sebagai tanah suci yang ketiga selepas Makkah dan Madinah. Sepanjang tempoh tersebut, kerajaan Rom yang telah menjalani Kristianisasi mengalami pelbagai perubahan daripada sudut struktur pemerintahan. Bangsa-bangsa asal Eropah seperti Vikings, Magyar dan sebagainya dikristiankan, dan pemerintahan dikuasai oleh golongan gereja.

Sejak dari 1000 Masihi, tentera Kristian telah melakukan pelbagai usaha menawan kembali Palestin. Pada tahun 1063, Pope Alexander II memberikan ‘fatwa' mengerahkan penganut Kristian untuk berjuang mendapatkan kembali Palestin, dan barangsiapa yang berjuang diberikan status kemuliaan dan pengampunan tertinggi. Itulah yang dikenali sebagai Perang Salib (Crusades). Akhirnya pada tahun 1099, tentera Salib berjaya menawan Palestin, dan menguasai tanah suci tersebut selama hampir 200 tahun.


Setelah Palestin ditawan, kerajaan Islam yang sedia ada konflik dalaman pada ketika itu, semakin hilang semangat. Keadaan berlanjutan sehinggalah lahirnya seorang pemimpin agung, yang dikenali sebagai Salahuddin Al Ayyubi. Salahuddin Al Ayyubi, menyatukan masyarakat Arab yang ketika itu berpecah belah akibat perbezaan mazhab dan aliran, seterusnya membawa tentera Islam menyerang kembali Palestin. Akhirnya, pada sekitar tahun 1187, ibu negara Palestin berjaya ditawan, dan pada tahun 1291 kubu terakhir tentera Salib di tanah suci tersebut berjaya dimusnahkan. Sejak itulah tanah suci Palestin kekal di bawah pemerintahan Islam dengan aman damai. Malahan, penduduk asal Palestin iaitu Yahudi/Bani Israel dibenarkan pulang ke kampung halaman mereka, walaupun masih ramai yang bermastautin di luar. Kerajaan Islam berkembang meluas, hinggalah masuk ke era pemerintahan Turki Uthmaniyyah.

Zaman Turki Uthmaniyyah mengalami kejatuhan sejak dari abad ke-19 lagi. Proses modenisasi semakin berlaku, dan kebergantungan terhadap kuasa barat semakin wujud. Krisis-krisis dan konflik dalaman melemahkan lagi kekuasaan empayar Turki Uthmaniyyah. Khalifah pada masa tersebut hanyalah pada nama. Empayar Islam semakin lemah, di bawah kekuasaan barat seperti Britain dan Perancis.

Dunia Pertama

Akhirnya, pada tahun 1914, tercetusnya Perang Dunia Pertama. Perang ini terdiri daripada dua kuasa besar; iaitu Pakatan Bertiga Britain-Perancis- Rusia menentang Pakatan Pusat iaitu Jerman dan Austria/Hungary. Setelah perang berterusan, negara-negara lain seperti Amerika Syarikat dan Itali menyertai Pakatan Bertiga, manakala Kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyah pula menyertai Pakatan Pusat.

Berada di bawah Pakatan Pusat, kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyyah diserang hebat oleh Pakatan Bertiga Britain-Perancis- Russia. Kerajaan Islam Timur diserang dan ditawan oleh Britain. Kerajaan Islam Barat yang menjangkau hingga ke Algeria dan Sudan manakala negara-negara utara Afrika dikuasai oleh Perancis. Kerajaan Islam juga diserang dari utara oleh Rusia, menyaksikan Rusia menawan kawasan utara kerajaan Islam. Perlu diberi perhatian bahawa pada ketika ini, masih belum wujud negara bangsa dan kerajaan Islam disatukan di bawah satu pemerintahan khalifah, manakala setiap kawasan pula ditadbir oleh gabenor masing-masing.

Negara Arab

Pada ketika tempoh inilah, kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyyah mengalami konflik yang semakin hebat. Britain melalui perisiknya yang dikenali sebagaiLawrence of Arabia, menyuburkan semangat nasionalisme di negara-negara Arab. Pejuang kebangsaan/nasional isme Arab pula menyerang kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyyah. Pemerintah Arab ketika itu, Emir Faisal I, berpaling tadah dan memihak kepada Britain. Sejak itulah kerajaan Arab menjadi tali barut Britain. Pada tahun 1915, Britain mula menduduki kawasan Iraq. Akhirnya pada 1917, Britain menduduki semula kawasan Palestin. Tentera Britain, diketuai General Allenby, memasuki Palestin pada 9 Disember 1917 lalu memberi ucapan, "Hari ini, Perang Salib sudah berakhir".

Pada 1917, Britain mengisytiharkan Deklarasi Balfour, iaitu perjanjian antara kerajaan Britain dengan ketua persatuan Yahudi Britain ketika itu, yang mana antaranya menjanjikan tanah Palestin kepada Yahudi. Penempatan Yahudi di Palestin meningkat, dari 50,000 penduduk sebelum itu kepada mencecah setengah juta penduduk, manakala penduduk Islam Palestin ketika itu hampir mencecah 1.4 juta.

Wakil daripada Yahudi ketika Deklarasi tersebut merupakan seorang Yahudi bernama Chaim Weizzmann. Weizzman juga merupakan seorang saintis, malahan saintis pertama yang menghasilkan bahan kimia acetone, seterusnya acetone digunakan sebagai cordite, iaitu sejenis bahan letupan yang menyumbang besar kepada kejayaan Britain dalam perang tersebut. Weizzman mendesak Setiausaha Luar Britain ketika itu, Arthur Balfour, supaya diadakan Deklarasi tersebut. Dek terhutang budi ke atas sumbangan Weizzman, kerajaan Britain bersetuju. Pada mulanya, Britain menawarkan tanah di Uganda kepada Weizmann, namun Weizmann menolak dan mahukan Palestin. Dikatakan, Weizmann bertanya kepada Balfour:

"Encik Balfour, katakanlah saya menawarkan Paris dan London kepada encik, yang mana satukah yang encik mahukan?"

"Tetapi, kami sememangnya sudah memiliki London!"

"Betul itu, tetapi ketika London masih lagi sebuah kawasan paya, kami telahpun memiliki tanah Palestin!"

Akhirnya, British membenarkan kaum Yahudi berhijrah ke tanah Palestin. Pada tahun 1919, Emir Faisal I ketika itu pula menandatangani perjanjian antara beliau dengan Chaim Weizzmann, menyatakan sokongan sepenuhnya beliau dan kerajaan Arab kepada Deklarasi Balfour. Pada tahun 1919, berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama. Kerajaan Islam Turki Uthmaniyyah menerima tamparan hebat setelah kehilangan kawasan-kawasannya yang luas, termasuklah Palestin. British dan Perancis mula menjalankan kolonisasi di tanah-tanah jajahannya. Bertitik tolak daripada situ wujudlah negara bangsa, apabila sempadan-sempadan digariskan memisahkan sempadan agama.

Turki Uthmaniyyah

Pada tahun 1918, tentera kolonial Britain menduduki pusat pemerintahan Turki Uthmaniyyah, iaitu Istanbul. Pada tahun 1922, setelah tamat Perang Dunia Pertama, sebuah Persidangan Lausanne diadakan, yang antaranya mempunyai beberapa tuntutan seperti sistem khalifah ditamatkan, khalifah mestilah dibuang negeri, harta khalifah dirampas, dan kerajaan turki baru akan ditubuhkan atas dasar sekular. Ya, persidangan tersebut menjanjikan kemerdekaan ke atas negara Turki.

Seorang ahli Parlimen Turki pernah bertanya kepada Lord Curzon, ketua perunding pihak pakatan ketika itu, "Kenapa hanya Turki dimerdekakan, sedangkan negara-negara Arab yang lain masih di bawah pemerintahan kolonial?"

Lord Curzon menjawab, "Hakikatnya Turki telah dimusnahkan dan tidak akan bangkit lagi, kerana kita telah menghancurkan kekuatannya - Khalifah dan Islam".

Dalangnya utamanya, Mustafa Kamal Attartuk. Dia mengeluarkan ugutan ke atas kabinet Turki ketika itu, lalu merombak parlimen sedia ada yang tidak bersetuju dengan persidangan tersebut. Parlimen kedua yang ditubuhkan juga tidak bersetuju dengan persidangan tersebut. Akhirnya, Mustafa Kamal Attartuk mengadakan konspirasi politik lalu merampas tampuk pemerintahan. 3 Mac 1924, kerajaan khalifah secara rasminya ditamatkan. Pada pagi hari tersebut juga, khalifah terakhir, Khalifah Abdul Mejid II, diusir keluar dan dibuang negeri. Mustafa Kamal Attartuk mengambil mengambil takhta, dan proses pengsekularan bermula.


Keadaan berterusan, sehinggalah naiknya seorang pemerintah Jerman ketika itu, iaitu Adolf Hitler. Ketika tercetusnya perang dunia kedua oleh beberapa sebab, Hitler melaksanakan pelan pemusnahan kaum yang dikenali sebagai Action T4. Pelan ini merencanakan pembunuhan Euthanasiaberamai-ramai keatas golongan tertentu, majoritinya Yahudi. Setelah tamat Perang Dunia Kedua, dianggarkan hampir seramai 6 juta Yahudi di seluruh Eropah mati dibunuh. Setelah mengalami kerugian yang besar, Britain berundur dari Palestin dan tanah-tanah jajahannya yang lain pada 1948.

Amerika Syarikat

Amerika Syarikat, selaku kuasa besar dunia setelah Perang Dunia Kedua, memainkan peranan penting dalam penubuhan negara Israel. Pada asalnya, Israel tidaklah wujud sebagai sebuah negara yang hakiki. Setelah Holocaust yang dilakukan oleh Hitler tamat, jumlah penduduk Yahudi yang ada adalah sedikit, serta mereka hidup dalam kesusahan dan ketakutan. Pada ketika itulah, Persatuan Yahudi Amerika mengutuskan tuntutan kepada Presiden Amerika Syarikat ketika itu, Harry Truman. Pada November 1947, tuntutan tersebut dibawa ke persidangan Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) lalu pemisahan Palestin dideklarasikan. Pada 16 May 1948, kerajaan sementara Israel ditubuhkan di Palestin, dengan sokongan dari PBB. Presiden Harry Truman menyokong sepenuhnya penubuhan Israel, maka wujudlah penempatan Israel di tanah Palestin sehingga kini. Presiden Israel yang pertama ialah Chaim Weizmann.


Sedari peristiwa Holocaust, ramai Yahudi berhijrah ke Amerika atas dasar terbuka negara tersebut terhadap mereka, serta ramai juga yang pulang ke tanah air di Israel. Yahudi di Amerika diterima dengan tangan terbuka, bantuan dan pekerjaan diberikan kepada mereka atas dasar belas kasihan akibat Holocaust tersebut. Dari situlah, Yahudi di Amerika berkembang dan memegang tampuk ekonomi dan pentadbiran Amerika. Amerika, selaku kuasa besar dunia setelah Perang Dunia Kedua, memberikan sokongan tanpa putus-putus kepada negara Israel, yang didirikan di atas tanah Palestin yang dirampas secara haram.

Sehingga kini, Israel terus-terusan menyerang Palestin dalam usaha meluaskan sempadannya. Palestin pula berjihad, dalam usaha menawan kembali Masjidil Aqsa. Sejak kerajaan khalifah Islam tumbang, tiada sesiapa lagi yang mahu menyokong Palestin. Negara-negara Islam yang lain tunduk takut dan akur kepada Amerika. Sampai bila keadaan ini akan berakhir? Hanya dua; sama ada Palestin akan terus dihapuskan dan Masjidil Aqsa dimusnahkan dalam usaha mereka mencari Temple of Solomon, ataupun tertegaknya kembali kerajaan khalifah Islam yang menyokong perjuangan Palestin.

Di manakah kita? Kita boleh berdiam diri tidak berbuat apa-apa, sekaligus menjadikan kesudahan yang pertama tadi sebagai realiti. Ataupun, kita boleh berusaha melakukan sedaya upaya menyokong perjuangan Palestin, yang membawa kepada kesudahan yang kedua

**Dipetik dari emel yang diterima daripada an nasr ilal huda.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Knowledge Is Everywhere


Read, read and read.

That's not the only way you can gather information actually. Certainly it's the best way but we tend to neglect that there are tons of ways in order to gather the information (I usually refer the knowledge as information). Tv, environment, everyday life, and experience are the example of how we can get information other than reading.

But unfortunately, there aren't much people that aware of the information contain in these other means of collecting information. Yeah, for example, when they watch tv, they tend to seek the fun out of it and forget that tv also can give them the information that may useful to them. But hey, who the hell watches tv for the sake of information? It doesn't matter actually. Because if you watch something out of pleasure, whatever that something will stick into your brain. It's just the matter of finding it. How to find it? Depends on how well you enjoy that something. I'm gonna give you some example here;

Whenever you hang out and watch some movies, you tend to remember the whole story if the movie is something that you wanted to watch. But what if it is not? for example, Iron-Man and The Spirit. I doubt you'll remember most part in The Spirit as well as you remember the Iron-Man.
My point here is yes, Iron-Man is a better movie than The Spirit, and information will only gathers around you if you seek for it the same way you seek for pleasure. Its just the same principle used "If you want it, you will get it". But I knew that most people will not believe me. Well, I will explain it another time but for now, remember, information is everywhere. Just waiting for you to pick them up and use them wisely. That's all from me, thank you.



It's been a long time since I wrote some useful stuff in here. Yeah, my holiday will end this week and new semester will start next Monday. Recently I realized how time passes around us swiftly without we even realized that it was there. I still remember when I was 6 years old and stole something from the shop nearby. I also still remember the moment I bullied my friends during my primary and secondary school. And yet now I am in 2nd year of my degree program, doing whatever I can to see what future brings to me.

2 weeks from now, one of my friends will change her status from single to married, literally. What I am trying to say here is that if you remember back your past, you will realize how time marches on without any hesitation. And yet you still use your time unwisely. Sleeping more than 8 hours a day, doing some useless stuff, playing games and hanging out with friends are some example of unwise used of time. I know, I am also doing the same thing for the past few weeks of my holiday. Right now I questioned myself with this: How do I spend my time? The question remain unanswered.

Just imagine, if we sleep 8 hours a day, by the time we are 60, we spend about 20 years just for sleeping. And I don't think spending 20 years just to sleep is a good way for spending your time. That is just for example. You see, our brain needs enough rest. We all know that. But the amount of enough rest is not the same for every human in this world. So I am now trying to experiment a few things right after the semester is open.

  1. If our brain needs enough rest, then there is a possiblity that the time needed for our brain to have enough rest is cut short. Means if average time needed is 8 hours, I can reduce it to 4 or 5 hours a day.
  2. I can increase my sense of time if I constantly look at my watch (need to buy one first).
  3. Our brain needs enough rest a day. So i figured that it the rest doesn't necessarily a straight rest. It can also be at certain interval.

There are also some other experiment that I want to complete but that's another story. Anyway, as I said, time doesn't wait for anybody. So make sure use your time wisely so that you will not regret anything later on.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am now enjoying my holiday. Will continue to give brilliant insights and ideas the moment my holiday ends.

Thank you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010




I'm sure that most of us know this phrase. Well, i learned this phrase when i was 15, plus, i know it in arabic first rather than in malay. A question popped up yesterday, why did i remember this instead of i don't know, thousands of other phrases?

I think hard enough before i remembered something that i thought the moment i know about this phrase. If the knowledge that we have is something bad, for example, to steal a car, to disable GPS or to unlock a lock, do i need to "beramal" or put these knowledge into action? Certainly i shouldn't but one may then ask, why the hell i know how to steal a car? The answer is, for me, the act of stealing a car is wrong, but i think there's nothing wrong if you know how to steal a car. This knowledge may not be useful and cannot be put into act this time, but in other time, maybe it will.

I think we also know about this phrase

Tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad

In english, it simply tell us that the search of knowledge only ends when we die. Yet with our current education system, we can only know certain knowledge, not variety of it. In Malaysia especially, parents tend to force their children to get a good job like engineers and doctors, but they don't emphasize on searching for knowledge task. My parent? Well, they simply told me to do what i like, and they act like whoever i'll be in the future, it does not affect them.

Back to the real topic here, so what if i learn something like how to pick a lock? or how to steal a car, rob a bank, use a gun, and other bad stuff? Just because i said i know how to doesn't mean that i am a bad guy. I simply know it because that is what i love to do. Know things. Just so you know, i learn everything that i can, good or bad i don't care. But i don't practice it right away, i wait until the right moment appears. And learning something is good, but if you practice it, then it depends on what,how and why.

*I know not everything but knowing everything is what i want to be.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hee, I have an issue. My issue is i am interested in many books but since money is a limitation for me, i can't buy books that cost more than MYR 50 at a particular time. So far i managed to buy these books:

  1. Revolusi IQ,EQ,SQ by Taufik Pasiak
  2. The Antioxidant Miracle by Lester Parker and Carol Colman
  3. Great Wall by John Man
  4. Live, Laugh and Learn pt 12 (Forgot the author)
  5. Power Mind (I'm not sure it's power mind or mind power. The word mind is true though)
  6. (Forgot the real title but the small description says "How does your brain arrive at a decision" or something like that)
  7. A Dictionary
Now these are few books that i hope i can get for free.

  1. Speeches that changed the world by Simon Sebag Montefiore
  2. Islam in History by Bernard Lewis
  3. Yakjuj dan Makjuj, Bencana di sebalik gunung (forgot the author)
  4. The merck manual of medical information
  5. 50 high impact speeches
  6. The Psychology of persuasion
  7. Gerakan Freemasonry, Musuh dalam menghancurkan Islam
If I am going to buy all 7 items here, it will cost me around MYR 300++ I'm not saying that i don't have that kind of money, i do but I certainly hope if there's any place where i can read anything i want and return the books anytime i want. We all have limited knowledge thanks to the prize of these books.

*Selaras dengan usaha kerajaan untuk memupuk budaya membaca, saya berharap agar lebih banyak perpustakaan awam dibuka di tempat-tempat yang tertentu. Kemudahan meminjam buku dan memperbaharui pinjaman buku secara online juga harus dimajukan seiring dengan kemajuan jalur lebar di Malaysia

p/s: I just want to read books without having to pay anything. Can't i?

Seeing The Unseen

Well, in UTP seeing the unseen means the oil and gas exploration in which they will use a sophisticated technology to determine whether there's a potential hydrocarbon in that area or not. But i am not going to tell you about that although i know some of you might want to know how do we explore thing that we can't see.

As it sounds, i'm going to talk about things in which it is not exactly the way they are. We usually thing it is because we are limited by the knowledge that we have, together with information needed in order to view something in its correct angle. Its the same principle used when we look at this picture.

Heh, i'm quite sure most of us look it as a couple doing a foreplay but if you show this picture to a kid i'm sure that he/she only sees a few dolphins swimming in the bottle. You see, this is because our mind has been corrupted with this kind of things, so automatically when something like this shows up we will think about this instead of looking carefully and see that there are seven beautiful dolphins swimming in that jar.

Dolphins in this case is the unseen whereas the couple doing a foreplay is what is obvious. My point here is, whenever something shows up, you don't just bang them, try to look on the other side instead. I think i already said something about looking at different angle in previous post but i don't know, maybe you guys just don't think its useful enough.

Recently, there are few cases in which we might want to look in different angle. First of all, race issues in Malaysia such as Hindraf, then about the scholarship in which the portion of non-malay races has increased, one Malaysia, the gambling issue and recently, i heard about the 40% of the real estate property in Kg Baru will be open for non-malay. Lets try and view this in different ways shall we?

When problems about different races rose, our PM immediately launched the one Malaysia concept where in this concept, no matter what races you are, you will be called a Malaysian. Of course this goes with a few condition or what i called it a bargain such as the scholarship's condition. Well, as expected there are things that we called "Memperjuangkan Hak Melayu" things going on but in my view, this is for groups that afraid their son will not get any scholarship because well, generally speaking, chinese in indians in malaysia gets better result than the malays. We can view it this way, the PM was very clever that they opened the scholarship for non-bumiputra so that there will be a competition here, they hope malays will try and compete with the chinese and indians, not just thinking like this "Takpe, aku melayu, konfem2 kalo ak apply ng result yg kurang ok p0n ak dpt".

Then there is the gambling issue. Well, i know most of us opposed it because Islam says gambling is prohibited. But i think the PM mention something about monitored gambling and no Muslims are allowed to take part of it. The license will only be given to non-muslims, so i don't see where the problem was. I get it Islam says we must not involved in gambling, and also there's hadith that admonishes us to change a wrongdoing by hand (power), tounge (advice), and hate it by heart. The problem that i see is, yes you are right but if the government does not give the license, there will be a lot of illegal bets going on and since it is not monitored, who knows maybe your brother is involved. Besides, we are not yet a muslims country as we do not implement hudud. But since we are multi-races country, if we implement hudud all of sudden, there will be an outbreak of laws, especially by non-muslims, this is because their knowledge about hudud is limited, plus, i haven't seen any methods that effectively bring these non-muslims closer to Islam.

Just so you know, I am a Muslims and i only think base on the information and knowledge that i have. I did not say that gambling is legal but given the circumstances of our environment right now, legalize the gambling issue to non-muslim only is good, and all of the thing that our PM right now proposed is something that is actually good for both malays and non-malays. We just need to view in other side. Do not, I repeat, do not view things only on one side because you are tend to base your judgment on your side.

*Remember, whenever you do something, Islam is still your religion and think by grounding your thinking to all information that you have and Islam.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Question and An Answer

Today, I am going to talk about how we view our information by raising a question and getting the answer out of that question. Well, human being always have a question. Whether it be about time, study, work, relationship, or whatever and i am not gonna explain in detail about those particular thing but rather in general.

Question is raised usually when you don't know about something or when you have some trouble or problem yourself. An answer is called an answer when you got a statement or explanation that satisfy your needs. How does this two related? Well, I know that you know the answer. It's simple, a question is raised and an answer is needed. However, in some occasional event, there will not have questions, or answers and sometimes both. For example when scientist raise a question, the answer may not be the exact answer, that is why scientist proposed a "theory" as an answer.

Now, let say that you have one question in your mind together with one answer that satisfy you the most. Are you sure that that is the right question to ask and the right answer that you get? Some of you may say yes and some may say no. Well, the trick is to view the question from all possible angle, not only in the way they are. For example, your boyfriend dumped you. First question that you might wanna ask is "Why". And you seek the answer from your boyfriend. I believed that in this situation, whatever reason that the boy gave to you, you will not believe it as you think it is just an excuse to be with another woman. So, you end up crying a lot, sad, angry and other possible things you might do when you were dumped by other people.

The reason is because you view the answer as an excuse although sometimes it doesn't. If you view it in terms of freedom, i believed your tears will be a tears of joy. Or if you view it in terms of religion, you might want to be grateful. Else in terms of money (for guys usually) you might want to scream and said "At last, my finance is stable". See? Rather than being sad, cry, angry bastard you end up being happy about something that is actually sad. That is the beauty of human perspectives.

To view something in different angles is not an easy task. You need a clear and open mind despite of how hard the circumstances that you are facing is. A question is all about something that you want to know while the answer is always something that you wanted right. Sometimes you might get an answer that doesn't satisfy your question although you have tried to view in other angles. In this case, the simplest thing to do is change the question. The great mind often is recognize when they pointed out a great question. That is just how it is.

*A question is all you need in order to become a great mind
**An answer reflects on how much knowledge that person have

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Misi Mustahil 2010 (part 2)


It has been a long time since i updated this blog by myself (instead of copy and paste whatever i received from my friends). Well, its because i am too busy with my life now. Right now is exam week but I managed to clear up some time just to write something here.

Well, i'm not gonna talk about exam papers here but instead since right now we are almost in the middle of 2010, i would like to review my mission that i set up december last year. Here's the "Misi Mustahil 2010" post, you can read it or put it in new tab, i don't care. Below is my comment about my mission. (Number 1 for mission number 1 and so on).

  1. So far, this is the thing that i like most. But sometimes, i feel like what i know is useless when it comes to final exam. But still, so far this is good.
  2. This is also my favourite thing. I am not yet a master but I am so good at writing c++ code. I also started to learn how to use the adobe after effect and database programming. (Can anyone tell me what's the name for OOP compiler?).
  3. Haha, this one, I can tell that it will change but only a little. Well, because out of 4 paper that i answered, only 2 i think is quite good. The other two, hancusss..
  4. Only in January and some days in February. I sleep at 1 if i got class tomorrow morning but if there's no class like today or yesterday, I sleep at almost 3. This is the problem because i didn't wake up for subh prayer. Sigh~
  5. O yeah. I have not started any puasa sunat yet but right now eating only lunch and dinner (if i want to) is good for me. I do feel a little bit hungry sometimes but living in top level in which we need to use the stairs to come down, nah, i feel the hungry is not worth the sweat.
  6. Hurm, this one is good. But lately (in exam week probably) my friends always left me with my roommate alone while they enjoy studying and hanging out.
  7. This one got no progress. Sigh~~
  8. I don't think i've made some progress on this. Maybe i do but...
  9. I managed to save RM100 a month which is actually good. But since my mission stated only half, well, i think i need to work more on this.
  10. So far so good until i don't have any shoes left to be used in game. Well, i think of buying one but i'm gonna wait for sale or something. (kasut futsal cm ratus2 je tp kasut biase cepat rosak lak, haih~)
  11. I don't even know what this means right now. But if i think its okay when i said i've moved on.
  12. Hoyeah. This one is also my favourite. Haha, i can do a backflip from a cliff as high as 5~7 meters. My friend climbed the cliff first but he hesitated whether or not he should jump. Then i climbed the same cliff, went in front of him and there you go, a backflip. Mwahaha.
  13. This one works sometimes. Hee, the moment i clear up my table and my bed is when i'm going home from UTP. H0ho
  14. This one is good until i got my hands on one piece anime, Numb3rs and How I Met Your Mother. I seldomly watch movies but lately, the seldom change to often. Haih~
  15. This one, is a secret. Hee
Well, as for the overall performance in the first half of 2010, i think im doing good. But just wait until december then only we know whether im doing good or not. Hee. Thanks for reading.