Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10 Things You Don't Know

Below are the 20 things that I think you don't know. If you do know something, congratulations, you can be categorized as someone who loves knowledge.

  1. Stromatolites, a type of algae is the one that is responsible for the extinction of dinosour, not asteroids or natural disaster as stated in many articles or science fictions.
  2. Moon can produces its own water. The moon act as big sponges that trapped the electrically charged particles using the irregular dust grains name regolith. When this happen, the charged particles react with the proton inside the regolith to produce hydroxyl and water.
  3. Body postures (how you sit, walk, talk, etc) can affects the confidence on your thoughts. The one who sit up straight while writing their job qualification has more confidence than the one who slumped over their desk to just to write the same thing.
  4. The lower paterial lobe for einstein is 15% more then the average adult. That's why he is so genius.
  5. Most of us know dinosaur extinct 65 million years ago. But that period is called the cretaceous period, not the jurassic period.
  6. To build a map, you need to have the basic map (contour map). 3 simple things to do while mapping are sketching the overall outcrops, structural mapping and detail sedimentary structure.
  7. The letter "c" in the Einstein most famous equation and also the symbol for light, stands for celeritas, which means swift or speed.
  8. Blue rose is now successfully created in Japan. This creation is expected to change the rose meaning from love to something else.
  9. A black hole was found to be in the center of a galaxy. An artificial black hole has been created by chinese scientists using the metamaterial (material that cannot be seen by nature)
  10. Marie Curie, the famous female scientist who found the polonium and radium, died because of aplastic anaemia.

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