Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Soalan Yang Perlu Di Jawab


Saya ada beberapa soalan utk ditanya dan difikirkan..berikut adalah sedikit daripadanya:

  1. Bagaimanakah otak manusia menukar bahasa perantaraan yang sedang kita gunakan? I mean, kalau kita tgk org kulit hitam, dorg ade bhse dorg sendiri, so mcmmne bile dy tga speaking dgn kite then dy paling kat member dy n ckp bhse dorang before tgk kite balik n reply dlm english?? Is it something yg kite trigger or datang naturally ???
  2. Saya suka cerita Fringe..kehebatan teknologi dan pemikiran yang ditunjukkan dalam cerita tersebut membuatkan saya tertanya-tanya..apakah senjata-senjata yang ditunjukkan adalah sekadar di dalam cerita atau telah sedia ada di muka bumi ini cuma kita yang tidak mengetahuinya??
  3. Ade tak buku yang tunjukkan cara nk trick otak kita?? As far as i know, kita boleh trick brain kita tp kalo xtaw care dy,susah la nk trick..
  4. Light shows some particle like properties and some wave like properties..can we separate this two properties and use only either of them???
  5. Boleh tak kita guna regeneration properties of other living things utk manusia??contoh cm cicak yg leh tumbuh balik ekor dy pas dy putuskan..
  6. can we rewrite our genetic code and produce a super human???
  7. Badan manusia ade nerve yg conduct electrical boleh x kalo kite create 1 computer yg bleh link dgn nerve n buatkan kite jadi mcm chuck?? bezanya chuck upload bnde dlm otak dy,,but my method just nk wat bnde 2 bleh on off ske2 ati...boleh x?
  8. if einstein's equation e=mc2 is so much true, that means we can convert any matter into, is there any way to convert a 2.3kg laptop into 130years of electricity suffice to light up an entire building??
  9. we know that soul existed..but have we ever seen one?? is there any way to see how the soul leave or enter the body?? if we say that soul is a form of energy, can we see it if we use the energy detector to someone who's in their death bed?
  10. we know that time is a straight line..however, if this straight line is meant to be broken,,will it upset the mother nature?? can we really go back to the past and change/see the real history of human race?
  11. Can all of this question be answered in my entire lifetime??

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