Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Right Brain Vs Left Brain

Last night I went to mamak stall with some Debat Alam Sekitar 2009 committee members and when we arrived at the stall, they were already playing some games that I don't know what it's called. From my observations, the games were responded very well from the women and the female type of male-pondan la tu-.....We, pure male are actually having some difficulties in tracing the connections on how the game was played whereas the female and sissies were doing it great. I was not saying that the pure man couldn't do it but last night I only saw 2 or 3 of them that saw the "how" the game played.

The question is, why is it difficult for man to discover the how part of the game while the female do it very efficiently? The only answer that I can figure out is they have different way of thinking process. I am not taking any advance medical course so my answer is basically grounded on the books I've read, online material, newspaper and some discussions. The basic knowledge is that women used right side of the brain more than their left part while men used their left side of the brain rather than the right side.

What are the differences between these two brains? Well, I do know some biological differences and it kind of important in this post but I don't remember the name of some brain parts. So I just proceed with what this two brains do and in other post when I got my book back I will make another entry related to this. As some of you might now, right brain deal with feelings, emotions and most importantly big picture oriented. There are a lot more things that I could describe here but it won't be necessary for this entry. While the left brain that functions on men better than women deal with logics, details oriented and the facts.

Now if we see the details, I know that my answer about the difference in thinking process is not wrong just a little bit inaccurate which will be touch up by you guys with the comments later. If you can see the connections between the women and the game I stated earlier than it is good and something that you can be proud of but if you don't, don't worry. There is no such thing as you are bad or something like that in this post. The connection is women interpret the big picture into details while men combine the details to create a big picture.

Still don't understand?Erm...let say you want to solve a crime case. Right brain dominant will try to get the general idea about what happen at the crime scene before they look at the detail on what's going on at the scene. A bit different on people who are left brain dominant. They will try to deduce what is going on by looking at the details contain at the crime scene. Basically, the right brain try to prove their theory by looking at the facts while the left brain try to deduce a theory after they have look at the facts. I think I'll stop for now and will continue this later. Thanks for reading.

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