Friday, July 10, 2009

Genghis + The Great Wall

From the title, I guess you guys has your opinion view about both things display on the title. For those who don't know, Genghis or famously known as Genghis Khan was the emperor,the ruler and the founder of Mongol Empire. During his life (1162-1227), his empire stretched from Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean. While The Great Wall is the wall made during the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. This wall is said can be seen from the moon. I don't know how true is that but considering the size of this 'object' which is 6400km long I certainly sure that it can be seen from the moon.

The reason why I chose that title is because the genghis and the great wall are 2 books that i read recently....I don't think that you guys like to read this kind of book cause it is so historic and full of fact..Yeah, I know most of us don't like history during our high school, that includes me..but when I feel the wonders of knowledge, I feel like I should read this kind of books. I don't know but sometimes I do use the knowledge inside these books to start a conversation...especially with women..=)

It's hard to just say right? Because you guys wouldn't believe it..Here's example, when you meet a girl, ask her about her roommate or family..notice the expression that she use..I certainly believe that when she feel happy about her family or roommate, she will express it..It's hard for a woman to control their feeling while speaking. This is all happen because of the difference in the structure of the brain between man and woman..And I wouldn't know this if I don't read a book related to this. So, do you or do you don't think that reading is good to gain knowledge? The fact that you are willing to read this post until here means you are eager to know what does this post have...Now, why don't you use that eager to know something into something else? Study perhaps?

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